GO OUT AND TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS and laugh at those who THINK they’ve won. 'Be still, my souls..." and let them celebrate in the streets: because NOW "Sheriff Joe" and all of Arizona Law Enforcement CAN "ASK"--and THEY INTEND TO ARREST FOR BREAKING OUR LAWS!
PLEASE supportive media, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH the WIN in this. It is sad to see even DRUDGE mischaracterizing the decision. This is exactly what the opponents thrive on!
But the truth is MAYOR PHIL GORDON, JACK HARRIS, CITY OF MESA, and other entities can NO LONGER tell their Officers to back off—they can ask the arrest questions needed, including immigration status, without fearing repercussion for their own authorities! Sanctuary policy and cities are no longer allowed in ARIZONA!
- 'Rush', it is not that we here in Arizona want to display a false sense of reality, by accepting a 'partial win'. We know to allow Obama's administration through Susan Bolton to take the guts right out of this law leaves us with little more than we started with. But we were NOT stripped of our existing laws; and keys laws were bolstered. And with law officials like Sherriff Joe Arpaio and Sherrff Paul Babeau we can AND WILL be able to perform, at least, these tasks without their hands tied. Arizona is very proud of its heroically brave police, fire, and rescue persons!
BUT THIS IN NO WAY MEANS A LAW BREAKING ILLEGAL--as equally now as a citizen--CANNOT BE 1. QUESTIONED THEN, 2. ARRESTED, as they always have been under current laws and greater still since OUR POLICE OFFICERS HANDS WILL NO LONGER BE TIED by local “sanctuary” policies!
“ARREST ON, AZ!” because Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will have TIED THEIR OWN HANDS by asking to be the sole governmental entity to handle the research and resolution of the illegal’s status. Amazing, since—with all the need for so many jobs--the Federal Government has not decided to increase the staffing at ICE to the size needed to accommodate their task of accomplishing this, their task!
So let ICE get burdened… and the blame will also be on them and the Federal Government, for lack of action leading to any harm come to me and my family. They are putting us in harm's way first...something they will be sure to regret if my family is harmed, as recompense to personally SUE them “royally” will just be the start if we ARE harmed as a result of their inaction!
WE HAVE WON THIS BATTLE, Arizona! …now strap on your gun (“AZ gun law takes effect”) and keep yourself safe, because WE ARE STILL IN THIS WAR!!
The Patriot
"Each battle makes this war!" (TPM 2010)
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