From 2006 2006 to 2012 ( can be removed, ya' know!)
- Chief Dist. Judge Fred Biery, Christa and Danny Schultz
- Rev. Terry Jones at the Dove World Outreach Center
- John Cusack...
- Janeane Garofalo -- TOPS THE LIST!!! (just under the greatest American haters)
- Rosie ODonnell--only place left was SECOND after Jane-ane
- Harry Reid AND Nancy Pelosi, right and left hand men/i> to (King) George Soros, ((Prince) B Obama and his Demoncrat Party!
- Rep. Steve Cohen, Tennesee. EVERYTHING HE SAID 9April 1, 2010) ABOUT THE TEA PARTY WAS A LIE! I Should know. I AM a member!
- John Lewis and the Congressional Black Caucus
- Benjamin Todd Jealous and the NAACP: because not ALL PLACES are they same as where YOU grew up, and times HAVE changed; so to CONTINUE to run organizations like the NAACP from the presepective of your lifes experience--which categorizes ALL NON-MINORITY people negatively--is just morally wrong
- Rev. Pat Robertson, please stop cashing in on Christianity.
- Beyonce (dont sell your soul for $$$... Mariah--you too?)
- Rep. Grayson of FL - Media Whore!
- Juan Williams, Fox News
- Bill Cosby--but only for that ONE moment of idiocy! His is foregone :) But AGAIN?!
- Colin Powell
- Rep. John Lewis. Democrat - Georgia.
- Sandra Bernhard - ugly. pathetic. self-hating pig that she is.
- The entire sitting Congress and Senate at both Federal and State levels, serving 2006 to date--for totally mis-managing our tax money. I was on a steady road to improved cash-flow, until the Democrats were elected to "clean up Bush's mess".
- Alcee Hastings. (See story)
- Chevy Chase.
- Oprah Winfrey - for crying like a silly baby on camera for her amazement at the Obama acceptance speech.
- Kanye West - same as Oprah; but also his public display of disrespect for the sitting President of the United States--the country for which he lives. It's one thing to disagree...
- Ludacris - for his song "Obama is Here". I use to like him, but not anymore.
- Matthew DeBord, LA Times, "Petraeus' 'ribbon creep'", April 9 2008. The complete article can be viewed at:
-,0,3481514.story. Visit at
- Alicia Keys - for hating on her White side...
- Jeremiah Wright - ...some representation of a "Reverend"... the racist PIG!
- Sean Penn, Madonna, Matt Damon, Ashton Kutcher, and a whole host of other entertainment types - who think THEY can do a better job at running a country(--especially THIS one), and teaching behavioral science, and handling international affairs, and controlling the environment, and...
- Keith Oberman, Chris Mathews, Alan Combs, whats-his-name, Geraldo Rivera...
- Jesse Jackson
- Al Sharpton
- John Edwards - for lying to people, and his wife
- President Jimmy Carter - for being a sell-out to his country...after he came up from the farm!
- Danny Glover - Anti-American!
- Al Gore - hugest profiting liar in the country...yet his followers STILL believe