[ (warning--lude commentary!)]
I have “hated” on you, but I see and know ALL that will EVER HELP you, IS GOD! Because YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SAVE YOUR OWN MISERABLE SELVES!!
“My LORD GOD, Jesus Christ I ask you to SAVE THEIR SOULS” because my flesh is weak, and all I can see worthy for them is to “GO TO HELL!”
HOW LONG, Mr. Sherrod? HOW LONG WILL YOU FESTER ABOUT YOUR MISERABLE PAST? And how loudly will you applaud—University of Virginia Black Law organization?
“Hey all! The world—especially America—HAS changed, and YOU are now your OWN problem!”
Since you referred to Jesus, HOW MANY MORE GENERATIONS WILL YOU CORRUPT WITH YOUR INABILITY TO “FORGIVE AND FORGET” what happened in your past? ” How DARE you call out Jesus’ name!
Guess what, Charles? I’ve been called a “Nigger” not less than twice in my life. I had a man spit at my feet as he passed by me. Once, a group of Hispanic men tried to run me off the road. And there are times when white cashiers still don’t put the money directly in my hand. And I have black family members that hate my white husband!
But some of us, maybe only 3 percent, are capable of not becoming the RACIST PIGs YOU, YOUR WIFE, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR PEERS, YOUR AUDIENCES--HAVE CHOSEN TO REMAIN OR BECOME by ADOPTING “REVERSE” RACISM, RETALIATION, RETRIBUTION, REPUDIATION against an entire race of people.
Are you actually telling those whom you ask to “carry (your) torch…” that you ARE such a WEAK MAN and that as a result of these past atrocities (no doubt) by INDIVIDUAL PERSONS or PARTIES (aka the evil white corporation) and even despicable political and business, racial and discriminatory practices you will carry a grudge “…until you die.”
What a big man you are, Charles! How proud you must be to teach this to young blacks who were destined never to suffer as you did, because of what your generation did do to “overcome” it: how sad “you-all” throw that all away to get a lectern!
WHAT, YOU COULDN’T STAND UP, LIKE Dr. KING? If you had, you’d have taken GOD’S blessings, and MOVED FORWARD WITH THEM.
I see we truly do NOT worship the same God. None of the 97% of blacks are worshipping the God I Love; because MINE is a FORGIVING GOD of EVERYONE’s sins! And HE expects NO LESS from ANY MAN after what HIS SON suffered for ALL of us!
Sherrod, WHO ARE YOU to believe your suffering is to be ANY LESS, to achieve the fruit of this--His land!
You insult Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. ?! “GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE?” And you think ONLY YOURS? Why do WHITE MEN have to show and prove to you the content of their character—when yours is awful!! Have you ever looked in ‘your own mirror’ especially as you practice your hate speeches?
White people in America and alive on this earth today have NOTHING to prove to you! The proof of this is in your FREEDOM to even UTTER the trash and hatred you are giving a university invitation to spew! In the past times you still live in you wouldn’t have even entered the school grounds.
I—AND ALL THE REST OF who you call “UNCLE TOMS” can appreciate the “CHANGE” that had already come to America and that I and so many others remain vigilant in advocating, promoting, and perpetuating until MEN LIKE CHARLES SHERROD NO LONGER SPEAK a voice of hate.
For as often as ‘you’ rant your hatred, others like me will remain vigilant to set the record straight about your lies and rhetoric!
You LIE and LIE and LIE to our children! You CONTINUE to spread your LYING HATE—even to what should be intelligent college students.
No one is stopping your race’s progress! Go ask Oprah to open a hospital! How about the collective of all of Chicago’s wealthy blacks to pay for that land tract you lost? You can start with the Obamas! There are RAPPERS the amount of money you needed to save your land, from just the ‘white’ purchases of their latest rap hit! Go buy land up and create your own, damned, state—why don’t you! For SOME REASON you still want to remain in America and call yourself “Americans”, rather than go and re-patriot to some place for example Africa, since you so hate this place and just can’t seem to make something of yourself here!
By the way, I did just fine as an American entrepreneur using ‘white corporations’ to live the “American Dream” since, afterall, they used their desire to open a business, that supplied my parts and equipment—and didn’t use excuses like their race to NOT get a license, NOT rent a building, NOT put up a sign, NOT invest in inventory, NOT train employees, … or NOT sell to me--a business owner who is black--and NOT make a return on their dollar!
But blacks like you, Charles Sherrod and Jesse Jackson, can’t be proud of what you helped accomplish! No, you won’t see ‘your own people’s’ amazing progress in America—and instead you live to promote a false resentment towards an enemy you and your “liberation movement” created—in order to have an employable industry for all like you in “race relations”.
You are a RACIST.
But, Sherrod and Jackson, there are Blacks who appreciate what The United States of America has become, is now, and does offer; and so chose to give their patriotism to it—and not your separatist America!
Yep--I sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing” in the predominantly black Methodist church I was raised in, proudly understanding this song was a “slave” song (as James Weldon was!) that portrayed hope in a struggle to be free. Mr. Weldon did not write “True to Africa” in his closing, he wrote “True to our Native Land”. Further, nowhere in the lyrics did Mr. Weldon specify a race of people; keeping his song an “anthem” to all who have suffered!
Were the black elders who taught me this song--and who I saw help make the American future change--actually trapped in anger and resentment with a wish that this song would one day be used as America’s National anthem? We all now know for a fact this group of former 1960s and 1970s radicals, and the modern day group of separatists they have become, have it only in their self-interest to keep offering up a number of hateful suggestions and racial accusations that they hope will lead to an equal outpouring of hate, in kind, giving them cause to attempt their final revolt towards “black liberation”.
Sad thing is, in this ignorance the black people who did so very much to shape America, are utterly and completely disregarded by these current-day black “professors”, “reverends”, and so-called “leaders” who are today’s teachers of history.
Charles Sherrod, you are NOTHING but an UNREQUITED “BLACK LIBERATION” movement activist. NO ONE FEARS YOU and YOUR HATE SPEECH!
The University of Virginia black student groups—that they still exist—should be ashamed of themselves for being the most elite “blacks”, yet still perpetuating racism!
YOU, Sherrod—and people who even LISTEN, nod or chuckle in agreement, and especially support your types--are the problem, NOT the white people you single out to hate!
"Reverend Jackson", I thought YOU'D know this: that despite their suffering, blacks—like any race--are not above any other man in the eye’s of THE ONE God. Whether they’d like to or not, black Theologians can’t revise Gods meaning of ‘man’ to exclude those men they do not like!
And it is This God I ask to help you:
“God help Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Black Panthers, The Obamas’, and all of who are like them… they are truly lost and need your help. Amen.”
Angela Peters
The 3% Foundation
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger
Independent, Conservative, American-Black Opinion.
Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.
THE " IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"
THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
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THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
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