Friday, October 16, 2020

The "Silent", "Baby Boomer", and "GenX" Generations Did a Disservice to Gen Y, Millennials, and Generation Z: We Slept.


The "Silent", "Baby Boomer", and "Generation X", generations have really done a disservice to our younger generations: we decided to sleep while radicals we're taking over our country.

In my opinion, we three "generations" bought into the fear of chastisement from the others.  We decided "ohhh they have a right to their opinion". At least that's what the mainstream kept telling us. So we believed it, and turned a blind eye to the disgust and filth invading TV, Hollywood, media, and our own local enclaves of activities.

Heck— we even bought into our own fallacies as acceptable. We accepted being labeled the "bullies", when we never ever were.

We cowered to the noisy mob. We let them have their way. We thought we'd "turn it over to God" and He'd take care of everything. We didn't put in the physical work. We assumed.

Now the country we see today— mangled with "cancel culture", internet ridicule of others, and-all-bad-things-are-now-made-to-be-good —this is the result.

I myself backed out of the scene along with the rest of the original "silenced", and just went along with the horrible flow. "Don't make waves, Angie." (...or we'll cancel you. Thanks, Your familIES...).

The churches cowered. (No, they totally capitulated!) Heck--the virtue-signaling started in the pulpit! Pastors used their position to speak for God to say even HE was wrong, on same-sex marriage and more. 

They justified their word as being about "Christian acceptance" of others. The churches wanted to "modernize" their message to draw in the young adults. And while it would first appear as if their goal would be to pull in the disparaged, that was not the long term financial objective.

So we went to church, clapped hands, and sang on, as the pastor mocked the beliefs of those who wanted to know the Word as the Lord had given it, and not the "modern" version of the world. And while the internally angry—being driven by their fanatical love of a "first black president"—nodded their heads in agreement with the new tone from the pulpit, they turned and smirked at we 'opposers' of the new world view. (See! We're "more Christian" than you!)

Was the church supposed to become involved in the "modern world" and take on its NEW view OVER God, Christ, and believers of Christ's word? Uhhh nahhhh I dont think so. 

But this is the modern day reality we are now living in, When your church no longer provides the right guidance—as happened for me—where do you turn?

The adoption of things bad now being made acceptable, was the wrong teaching from education and ministry to our youth. They certainly DID NOT back up the parental effort to teach proper morals and scruples at home. Pastors and Teachers even decided they'd tell our student-children WE parents were the WRONG. 

It's 2020. It's now proven we weren't wrong about our thinking and beliefs. 
But we were VERY wrong for not fighting against those wanting to silence our beliefs.

The decision to refute God's Word and live on our basis, is now haunting our every move. You can't go anywhere or do anything without concern of the cancel culture stepping in. From a very young age social media forces a groupthink mentality, else you don't fit it in! The right to each their own opinion is limited and suppressed within the virtual (and real) world these young adults live in. They deserve better.

This new world order is simply disgusting.

Here I sit on a plane full of young adult Patriots. Fighting for ALL our lives, to MAKE the country they love return from years of constant berating, lies, and ruin! Here, they pick up the torch, or take on the mantel of truth and justice, and law and order in America that we dropped the ball on.

They are AMERICANS first! Race and all else doesn't matter to them at all—and it doesn't have to! And I pray it NEVER will. 

They actually learned to get along with their peers (thank you "Rodney"!). The teaching environment of the 2000s would have it no other way! (So you'd wonder what happened to the mindset of our leaders in education, then, wouldn't you?) As children, these young adults weren't afraid of tough love and tough understanding --like maybe half of their peers obviously were. (If you are lucky maybe they were listening more to you than to society.) 

But old, stodgily, closed-minded, still unforgiving of the issues in their past, and the 'still unwilling to change their mindsets', want to literally TRY to brainwash these young patriots into believing America is a horrible place. But they are NOT having it!

I admire this generation of fighters so very much. My heart goes out to all of them for their courage to be braver than us! While we talked a good game of being "prepared", that only extended to the ensuing fight up until it came on. Now it's here, and we're silent!

And I'm admittedly still scared to post my Trump signs, because the occupants of my house have differing political views and I "don't want to risk their safety". (What a crock of buying into their fear!)

We generations (silent, baby boomer, and X) took on personal economic achievement and gained wealth, to leave ourselves (and our children...) a secure future. And many of us focused on educating our children. We were preparing our families for success and realization of the American Dream; but willfully (and even knowingly) disregarding the destruction in our education system, our once "trusted" news sources, Hollywood, government, and big tech business that were plotting this our "current future".

We were in waiting for the moment to drop when this new highly liberal base would fall on their own sword: but they never did! We just kept waiting for "it" to play out, and cowered to the new obama charmed culture --and the violence they threatened-- instead of taking it head-on!

I'm ashamed and embarrassed of our fear.

Besides these were people just like ourselves. Persons in our own communities, and churches, and most often in our own families, who just decided THEY had it right and WE were all wrong. They started "Karen-ing" us a very long time ago.

Still we stayed silent so as not to be called the black sheep in the family, a traitor to our race, or a flat-out racist or radical white supremacist if you are white! And white Americans were pushed so far into believing they were "bad people" that they actually started to believe it!

An now an entire base of a certain political party now feels they owe the country AND THE WORLD an apology for THEIR earthly existence!

So where do you go from there once the value of your whole life is put into question by the media you reach out to for information and the purchasing of items for almost all your needs?

You become a bleeding heart liberal—who sacrifices your own self-esteem—to join and promote the lies of racist organizations that even hate you, to prove a point you are not "something" to be hated. You cower shamelessly.

The idiocy and lunacy of doing something like that has been shameful to say the least.

At least people should be ashamed. Look at what we've done to ourselves, (I could preach on for ever.)

Again instead, to this generation of young adults fighting so hard to fix the mistakes of the past, I commend you! 

And I issue my personal apology for our hugest failure ever: to have not properly looked out for your future other than financially; to have not better prepared the way for you regarding the issues directly affecting us all beyond "money". Defense of standards, scruples, and morality.

I pray its not to late to reverse the horrible results of our inaction against the bully churches, bully teachers, bully community, bully media, bully politicians, and bully leadership; but I strongly fear that it is.

We've placed you, Gen X, Y, and Z, in the most precarious state of civility seen since the Jim Crow era: except in "reverse"!

I spoke of "reverse racism" in my very early blogging, and was chastised for using (possibly creating) such a term. There's nothing else to call it when blacks have now been allowed to use the largest platforms available to them to shout "Black Lives Matter" as if no one else's does! And blacks and whites lacking self esteem buy it and re-cry it!

It can be thought this move to "promote the injustices against black men" is what their message is all about. And in doing so you'd be completely wrong. Nevertheless the believers raise their fists and put on their BLM t-shirt or hat and parade their new bold and modern thinking to the world. They're "woke."

Well, the right to disagree belongs to each and every one of us. HOW we disagree is what  (hashtag) matters. 

And Gen X, Y, and Z disagree with the hate-filled messages of "unity" being fed to their friends, and loved ones, and potential future spouses and family members! 

And so are we few remaining senior fighters from the past.

I hope the new warriors, as I'll call them, will accept we "senior warriors" and fighters who never left the fight, and who will stand by your side to see this through to its end. 

Maybe we can even recharge a few old but dampened firecrackers, who just didn't KNOW they had a huge family of supporters outside of their own non-supporting circle of family, friends, and acquaintances. Our support group IS speaking up! 

Maybe we "old warriors" will become AWARE, it is WE who BIRTHED who should be renamed "The Exceptional Generations".

Their fight is for humanity and civility, respecting and using the freedom they were given by the "Greatest Generation",  to be able to speak up for themselves!

And this collective doesn't want anyone speaking for them--even me.

They want disagreement without hate. And they disagree with each other but seek reasoning. And I should be careful generalizing them any further, as they are not to be stereotyped!

I'm just amazed, emboldened, and empowered by how "the exceptional" are simply willing to take on family, partner, friend, and foe, spiritually, educationally, and even physically— especially when assaulted by extremists, to spread the truth that's finally been revealed to them. And what a "truth" it has been.

We better discuss the "truth revealed in 2020" in another post.

Angela Peters
The Patriot Messenger

(Dedicated to the Blexit America organization)

Saturday, June 13, 2020


 What a wonderful day. So I'm going to use it to pen a few words of inspiration to myself and to whomever reads this. I hope the words help.

 We need more logic and sanity to reach our discussions, so we stop reacting out of fear and emotion.

 That's what I did when I posted the hashtag "Black Lives Matter", during these recent shows of support for the brutal death of George Floyd. I reacted out of fear, that my newly reunited family would once again wish me out of their lives. And emotion, that I had been being too hard on the Black community. "They really are 'out there' getting their asses kicked for no reason!"

 George Floyd wasn't "a good man". But he only deserved the same level of violence he dished out. Well.. according to some principles. 

 Or, your religion may compel you to "turn the other cheek" altogether; putting it in Higher hands. Whew... That is becoming a lost message.

 That means having a lot of emotional control during the most unexpected situation you could ever image.

 But without it, we end up with hate and chaos, like we've seen in our streets these past weeks.

 Like the "statistics" or not, ALMOST EVERYBODY finds disgust in "police brutality". But our awful, slimy, disgusting, biased media wants to CONTINUE to portray that America is the worst, most racist country on the planet. And that every rich, White, man or woman --NOT of their currently preferred Political Party; OR, ALL Police Officers, are "racist", brutal, and not to be trusted!

 These coordinated slimebags will go to the extent of attacking police characters in children's TV. And instead, teaching children HOW to protest against them!

 We are in a world under siege by Liberalism gone horrible. 

 This liberal mindset, followed stringently by a particular political party, wants to silence differing opinion, put forth a "common-ized" agenda on almost ALL aspects of life, create a "same path" mentality to personal success; then turn around and allow lawlessness and divisiveness--or separation and forced confinement, if it helps accomplish their goals!

 Their deviousness is so well shrouded as a cloak of "help", those shrouded by it are eventually blinded by it. And succumb to the Systems devised by it. Then we all become trapped in the institutionalization of their practices. We have to watch these people and recognize them and their SLOGANS for what they are; no matter how "beautifully worded".

 "Black L I V E S matter..." and we need to make Black people feel, inherently, as if they do.

 But isn’t this how ALL people want to feel?

 We were ALL given the "right" to these feelings by the glory of God, not man. (…and there drops off the non-believers…bye!) 

 We can't let ANY "separatists" groups of people take that Right away from us!

 "Everybody Matters!"

 It's time we let EVERYBODY know it.

Angela Peters 

The Patriot Messenger

Monday, November 24, 2014

I wrote this 7 years ago... its still relevant. -AP Re-posted November 24, 2014

Liberals, Blacks, and the Media Deny Plain Truth.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Liberals, Blacks, devout Democrats, and the media continue to deny the truth about having selected Barack Obama as their candidate for President, no matter the facts put right in their face. The truth is, he is the wrong candidate, and many have chosen him just because he is black.
It is an utter embarassment to see how many Blacks have such a lack of self-esteem that they choose Barack no matter his lack of credentials, no matter his openly racist positions--an institution the purport to oppose, no matter his tax-us-to-death policies--which they believe will not affect them; and, as if he is the last black man in America who could hold the position of President of this great country.
With some polls showing upwards of 92 - 97% of Blacks voting for Barack, I am glad to be on of the "3%" who strongly states "I won't!"
I stay surprised at the apologist whites, who brushed aside the warnings and voted-in Barack, a racist who plans to tax the upper and middle-classed--mostly white (per census records)--as his way of repaying blacks for the "sins of the fathers"; the old rhethoric people of his affliation have unjustly supported for too long. These apologists might want to turn a blind eye, but I base my belief on the "proud" relationship Barack tells us he has with Jeremiah Wright--a follower of James Cone--both who teach continued hatred for White America.
What surprises me the most--being the same age as Barack Obama--is his suggestion through his memoirs that his life was a shattering trek through racial indifference and the suffering of persistent attacks against him by Whites; yet I recall experiencing nothing so traumatic having grown up in an overwhelmingly majority white, highly political populus of the country during the same time period he was growing up.
Barack, Rev. Wright, and a whole host of other "minority leaders", and minority "celebrities" continue to slight, slander, and put-down current and new generations of Whites who had NOTHING to do with--nor feel inherently the same as their ancestors about--racial differences. Yet Barack is touted as the great reuniter? He is supposedly bringing "change"?
Liberals and devout Democrats know that Barack has the most liberal voting record in the US Senate. They must expect that with electing Barack they will have a shoe-in to support their agenda of continuing to demoralize and somehow punish America by taking away God, sanctity of religion, respect for unborn children, and certain American family values--like freedom of choice, and the continuation of our second amendment rights. They must beleive that he will continue to fight against we Americans whose goals are to maintain education--not socialization--in schools, to encourage a competitive spirit, and to encourage success.
They must know and be glad that Barack will make sure the world sees American pride being diminished, and that he will promote that we should be ashamed to have become the greatest country on this earth.
There are so many other strong, Black, American leaders whom the Democrats could have "vetted" to become President of the United States of America. But these would be the blacks who have been ridiculed as being outside of the "typical" standard blacks have lately placed upon their so-called leaders. These would be blacks who suffered little or overcame any racial strife they may have faced; who didn't need government assistance to feed and house themselves or their family; who succeeded in the American corporate structure by way of their ability--as far as they could achieve with the barriers they might have faced--not because they were handed a victim's pass to the top.
It hasn't helped for anyone to have helped bring Barack Obama this close to the Presidency of the United States. Any votes cast for him in order to "not appear racist" have helped re-generate one of the biggest racial divides since the 1960s, both within races and between races.
But the biased media won't report the real stories being told around the water cooler...Blacks are threatening "all hell will break lose" if Barack loses. Is that some kind of threat? If so, it is one I have no fear of standing up against.
Long before I vote in a candidate because of the color of their skin I will just not vote at all. And since I do not intend to let any man take away my right to vote, I think I'll remain part of that 3% who will vote based on "...the content..." of a man's character.
I love America too much to base it on anything less.

"The Patriot"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fwd: Fw: [New post] Attention, Parents! This Professor Shares Some Facts About Common Core That May Shock You

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [New post] Attention, Parents! This Professor Shares Some Facts About Common Core That May Shock You

Wow! Lots of information I wasn't aware of. Thanks for sharing.

I am against even the name "Common" in the title #CommonCore. Sounds to me a way, as a government controlled curriculum, to "dumb down" the #AboveAverage student; so that not-as-smart people wont feel so bad.

MOST people ARE "average' ...or "common"--and that there is nothing wrong with this! (What ever happened to their mantra "I'm OK, You're OK"?) But some aren't (average). Some are less. But there are some that are much more than average.

Some people are #AboveAverage, and can forward think and create and invent, and introduce new products, which therefore introduce all sorts of jobs. Jobs we need, pay for our product purchases.

But because some are #insulted, when rejected from attending Harvard or other elite schools, we get "Common Core."

This kind of public school control does not impact the student whose "connections" and "influence" allow them to enter these colleges and universities due to favor or relationship rather than grades. So the only comparison is the "average" student to the #braniac, whose grades and dedication earned them entry into an Ivy League school! The Government sees a need to spend our so-called badly needed "education dollars" to implement their suggested curriculum; their agenda...

I couldn't get in to Harvard even if I tried: I can admit that to myself, and I'm a pretty smart person as for test scores and grade point average reflect. But there is a personal dedication and striving on top of learning the material in school that (should) make one stand out as an "Ivy League" student, an uncommon individual. No matter the quality of the "public education",, poor... the "smart kid" on the block always strived to know more and do better in school than the "average' kid.

But I forget, this was before the Government completely controlled our educational institutions and processes: the very thing a "liberal university" was invented to go against; (the Government).

To force a top-down, strung-to-the-money, unstudied, unpublicized, "system" to normalize school policy,  is to take originality, creativity, and true diversity away from the Teacher--who dedicated all their time becoming one; and especially disparage the Student, and the differing learning styles of groups (visual, tactile, etc.) that "teachers" (used to) creatively provide for (e.g. in "learning centers" and "group studies" of similarly-styled learners)!

To identify "smart" and dedicated persons in contrast to "average" persons is not "racist" or political ...unless Harvard & Government has made it so!
So to "level (some) playing field" of our educational system that puts us at risk for not producing exceptional thinkers on a globally competitive scale, IS political!

Before it's TOO late to act on this one--and we find a way to justify the government funding, or threat of non-funnding over the loss of freedom to teach and learn--we need to remove #CommonCore and all of its new and imposing requirements.

-A. Peters, 14 May 2014

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:41 AM,  wrote:
When you watch that video prepare to get really angry!

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2014 5:24 AM
Subject: [New post] Attention, Parents! This Professor Shares Some Facts About Common Core That May Shock You

The Daily Sheeple posted: " Have you heard about Common Core? The chilling truth behind these new national educational "standards" will terrify you. Common Core represents the latest and most comprehensive step in the drive toward complete government control of our children's educa"

New post on

Attention, Parents! This Professor Shares Some Facts About Common Core That May Shock You

by The Daily Sheeple
Have you heard about Common Core? The chilling truth behind these new national educational "standards" will terrify you. Common Core represents the latest and most comprehensive step in the drive toward complete government control of our children's education. Join us for a special presentation exposing the truth about Common Core and

Angela Peters
The Patriot Messenger
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."

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Liberals, Blacks, and the Media Deny Plain Truth.

Liberals, Blacks, devout Democrats, and the media continue to deny the truth about having selected Barack Obama as their candidate for ...

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