Thanks for your patience...TPM
Independent, Conservative, American-Black Opinion.
Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.
THE " IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"
THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to
THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to
When Church Turned ‘Hip-Hop’ so Did the Rest of the World
This has been ANOTHER of those issues that has divided me from my family! I even love gospel music, a few shout-outs! But I don’t want the...
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
By Angela Peters
(unedited and in works)
October 26, 2010
I am sickened and shocked at the amount of hatred spewing very one-sidedly from the Democrat Party and its Liberal Supporters, upon those (of us) who disagree with their idea of how our “America Value System” should be perceived…
Yes, I believe there is a way in which the world should view America. Yet for some awful, spiteful, hateful reason, designed as a platform, a movement, a political system—a redefined “Liberalism” that adopts Socialist, Marxist, and even Communist rhetoric and practices—we have been brought this, because a man lied enough for a majority to NOT believe who he actually was, and what he was actually about. How sad for ALL us now.
We have so much work to do to correct this—and figure out what is wrong with almost half of our country(!), to believe in Obama and these others to get them through their lives! Is that what they are being taught life is all about?
(more… )
(this and other publications available soon at JASAENTERPRISES)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Right is Just Right
RedState On Separation of Church & State: Christine O’Donnell is Right
RT from @RedState
"Legalities" have made it a requirement that church is ALWAYS separated from state in our affairs; but it should be up to communities to decide which (church versus state) is to apply, or how the entities can overlap their, assistance in mans “pursuit of happiness”: Am I way off?
RT from @RedState
- "The First Amendment requires a number of things that are ignored, separation of church and state is not one of them"
"Legalities" have made it a requirement that church is ALWAYS separated from state in our affairs; but it should be up to communities to decide which (church versus state) is to apply, or how the entities can overlap their, assistance in mans “pursuit of happiness”: Am I way off?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Why I Don’t Want to Change The 14th Amendment
I am not quite sure I want to go as far as to remove the gaining of American citizenship status from the “Rights” of persons born here; as the 14th Amendment is currently interpreted—right or wrong.
I surely feel a sense of pride and ‘my, oh, my’ to be able to say “I am an American!”
I know that I am privileged to have been born here.
Of the illegal immigrants here, I do believe that there are some in the bunch who truly want to be Americans and are inclined to leave their homeland behind—but who did come here to “anchor” onto the privilege of being in America!
But I also know—from first-hand, personal relationship—that there are a number of Mexican Illegals that truly do not care to become citizens at all, and may also have the opinion they are ‘owed’ their posture and place else it should be ‘taken’ (“back”); and others who will just not follow through with the current application, financial, educational, or time requirements for obtaining legal citizenship, because amnesty or “a dream” has been offered by a politician they will help keep in office, whom they will (illegally) vote for…
The truth is the truth: I live this in the here and now!
So why should I want those born here to be considered “Americans”? Because they were—born here. Their parents did not give them the option as to where they were being born!
And the children born here should also have the option of choosing the citizenship of either of their parents’ origin, too, realizing they are rejecting their American citizenship in doing so—the decision not rescindable--and they would go through the citizenship process thereafter.
But either or both illegal parent(s) should be required to determine the method they will take for themselves--or their other children not born here--to gain citizenship, if it is what is desired.
“Profile”, “identify”, and “serve” ALL persons in the country illegally with notice they must comply with the immigration laws, which may include a return to their country of origin to begin the process properly; or face deportation if they outright reject citizenship (therefore have no rightful cause for being here), or if they simply refuse the process!
Isn’t our American citizenship worth earning?
This is not personal. It is a matter of following the law, FAIRNESS for all who have applied for citizenship, and to ensure and support order and balance in any modern society--American society being “the most”! It is a privilege to be born in America! If you don’t share in that pride, personally I feel you should reconsider your visit here…
I don’t mind extending American rights and privileges to those born here who claim, respect, adore, exalt, and honor their heritage as “an American”.
(references:,,,,8599,1996064,00.html )
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
List of Losers supporting Obama's Liberal Rally!
Thank you, all haters, for openly and willingly posting your show of hate on this website in advance of your awe-inspriing rally! We will gladly look you up and remember just exactly who YOU are! TPM
Endorsing Organizations
This movement includes human and civil rights organizations, unions and trade associations, nonprofit organizations, youth and student groups, religious and other faith groups, educational, peace, environmental, and ethnic associations, and any other groups and individuals who are committed to pulling our country back together now.
These are some of the more than 400 organizations, representing tens of thousands of individuals who have endorsed the One Nation Working Together campaign. Join this historic moment:
•Mobilize your constituents/members/networks for the rally
•Spread the word
•Endorse One Nation Working Together
Due to the increasing number of endorsements, we are no longer able to publish all the names of endorsing organizations on the website. Endorsing organizations will receive regular updates. Thank you for supporting One Nation Working Together and jobs, justice and education.
SEIU 1199
National Action Network
United States Students Association
UAW, International Union
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
SEIU: Service Employees International Union
Rainbow PUSH Coalition
National Council of La Raza
Green for All
Communications Workers of America
American Federation of Teachers
Center for Community Change
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
The Southern Anti-Racism Network (SARN)
Green Party USA
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
General Board of Church and Society- United Methodist Church
TransAfrica Forum
Democracy for America
National Jobs For All Coalition
The Power: The People United for LGBT Equality
Ya Ya Network
Working Families Party
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Women’s Caucus for Political Science
WAND: Women’s Action for New Directions
Whitman Walker Clinic
Witness Against Torture
Win Without War
Ward 7 Business Professional Association
Veterans for Peace
Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Voice of Haitian Americans Inc.
Harlem One Stop
Welfare Rights Committee
Veterans for Peace NY
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Urban Agenda
United Mine Workers of America
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
US Peace Council
US Human Rights Network
TWU Local 100
William Kelibrew Foundation
Sikh Coalition
The Religious Institute
The New York Immigration Coalition
Imani Group
The Opportunity Agenda
Stonewall Democratic Club - Los Angeles
Student World Assembly
Society of American Law Teachers
Women’s Funding Network
Teamsters Local 808
The Community Church of NY Unitarian Universalist
SEIU Local 722
Single Payer New York
Single Payer Action Network Ohio - SPAN Ohio
SEIU Local 32BJ
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union
Riverside Edgecombe Neighborhood Association (RENA)
Reform Immigration for America
School of Americas Watch (SoA Watch)
Progress Ohio
Progressive Democrats of America - NYS and NYC
Progressive Congress Action Fund
People’s Organization for Progress
Planned Parenthood
People for the American Way
Physicians for a National Health Program
Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Peace and Freedom Party
Peace Action Maine
Peace Action Education Fund
Peace Action Montgomery
Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore
NY Coalition of 100 Black Women
New York Urban League
North Suburban Peace Initiative
New York State AFL-CIO
New York City Democratic Socialists of America
US Peace Council– Wisconsin
P.A.P.A.II People Assisting Positive Actions
The New Testement Revival Cathedral
The L.I.F.E. Institute
Suffolk Peace Network
Resurrection Temple of the Lord
Prayer, Praise and Worship Centers of America
Pledge of Resistance - Baltimore
One of the 266 Wrongfully Terminated
Northeast Connecticut Coalition for Peace and Justice
North Country Peace Group (Long Island)
New Jersey Black Issues Coalition
NYU Nursing Doctoral Students Organization
North Manhattan Neighbors for Peace and Justice
New England Region – AFSC
National Urban League
New Haven Peoples Center
National Union of Home and Health Care Employees
National Organization for Women California
National Nurses United
National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth
National Missionary Baptist Church
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
National Exhoodus Council
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Council of Negro Women
National Community Reinvestment Coalition
National Black L.U.V. Festival est. 1997
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression, Chicago Branch
National Association of Black Social Workers
Mother A.M.E. Zion Church
Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout
Midwest Academy
Maryland and DC AFL-CIO
Mexican American Coalition
Maine Green Independent Party
Make the Road NY
Lincoln Park Neighbors United for Peace, Chicago
Lemeul Haynes Congregational Church
Long Island C.B.T.U.
Left Labor Project
Latino Federation of Greater Washington
Latino Action Coalition of DC
Latino Equality Alliance
Jewish Labor Committee
Latin America Solidarity Coalition
Jewish Arab Dialogue Association
Iraq Veterans Against the War
International Socialist Organization
Interfaith Worker Justice
International Federation of Black Prides
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Injured Workers United
Institute for Policy Studies
Illinois Single Payer Coalition
HOFADS Corp., Inc.
Humanist Party, New York City Chapter
Haitian American Caucus
Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement
Gray Panthers
Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral
Next Step
Gertrude Stein Democratic Club
Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition
Generation Change
Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley
Fur Cultural Revival (Darfur Community Center)
Friends of the Earth
Free Speech TV
Friends of the Poor
Fellowship of Reconcilliation
Ex-Offenders Association of PA
Equality Wisconsin, Inc.
Drum Major Institute
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. DC Support Group
Energy Action Coalition
Detroit Democratic Socialists of America
Democratic Socialists of America
Demand Equity Now
DC Vote
Delaware Pacem in Terris
DC Asian American and Pacific Islander Democratic Caucus
DC Latino Caucus
CUNY University Student Senate
Community Empowerment Network
Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
Communist Party USA (CPUSA)
Communication for Social Change Consortium
Communications Workers of America Local 2336
CODA (Coalition for a District Alternative)
Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Region One
Coalition for Peace Action
Cleveland Peace Action
Citizen Wave
Church of the Evangelical United Church of Christ
Chicago Teacher’s Union – AFT Local 1
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Charlie Fink Productions
Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War
California Black League of Voters
California National Organization for Women
Brooklyn United for Innovative Local Development
Brooklyn United for Innovative Local Development
Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition
Bronx for Change
Black Youth Vote
Black Women’s Roundtable
Unid@s LGBT- The National Latin@ LGBT Human Rights Organization
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition
American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA)
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
AIDS Walk Washington
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
Black Leadership Forum, Inc.
Beulah Church of the Nazarene
Bethel Tabernacle AME Church, Brooklyn
Bail Out the People Movement
American Rights at Work
Americans for Democratic Action
American Association of University Professors
AFGE: American Federation of Government Employees
Amalgamated Local 171 UAW
Alliance for Democracy
All Hands on Deck
AFSCME 3800 - University of Minnesota Clerical Workers
Action LA Network
A. Philip Randolph Institute - The Metropolitan New York Chapter
Young People For
Working America
War Resisters League
Washington Peace Center
National Center for Transgender Equality
True Colors, Inc.
National Stonewall Democrats
Stonewall Democratic Club
Stonewall Young Democrats
Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
United Steel Workers
US Labor Against the War
US Action
Unite Here
United for Peace and Justice
United Food and Commerical Workers Minority Coalition
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
Transport Workers Union of America
The Other 98%
Roosevelt Institute
Queers for Economic Justice
Pride at Work
Policy Link
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, AFL-CIO
People’s Organization for Progress
Progressive Democrats of America
Peace Action
Pax Christi USA
Tikkun-Network of Spiritual Progressives
National Education Association
National Congress of Black Women
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
National Black Police Association
National Black Law Students Association
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Black Justice Coalition
National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
Mass Transgender Political Coalition
Mass Equality
Maryland Black Family League
Majority Agenda Project
Jordan / Rustin Coalition
Jobs with Justice
Jewish Funds for Justice
immigration Equality
Human Rights Campaign
Institute of Caribbean Studies
Generational Alliance
Get Equal
Gathering for Justice
Family Equality Council
Disciples Justice Action Network
Equality Federation
Courage Campaign
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
Color of
Coffee Party Progressives
Coalition on Human Needs
Campus Camp Wellstone
Campaign for Community Change
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Campus Progress
Brooklyn for Peace
A. Philip Randolph Institute
Americans for Financial Reform
American Friends Service Committee
Coalition of Labor Union Woman
Campaign for America’s Future
Code Pink
CEEF: Center for Community and Economic Justice
"The church’s General Board of Church and Society has endorsed the march, " ...and THIS is the one they chose??
"The church's General Board of Church and Society has endorsed the march,
but the event is not "co-sponsored" by the United Methodist Church itself."
Oh really!!?
THIS is a travesty; and the reason I DENOUNCE the United Methodist Church--after having been born and baptized into it almost 50 years ago--as just another partisan, separtist, and even racist organization!
"UMC, to affilate with THIS?!" THIS group of organizations and affiliates, full of hatred against a man (Glenn Beck) and group of people ("The Tea Party") who seek, realize, verify, know, then share the truth that those refuse to accept ...about themselves!!
But you are doing 'What Jesus Would Do'?
Did YOU--individuals in the UMC--bother to even watch or listen to "Glenn Becks Restoring Honor" Rally held on 8-28-2010? Or do you, UMC, use talking points taken from biased media, Bishop Carcano (who objects to certain important legislation and supports separatist groups like La Raza), and ill-informed church-attenders and biased voters, to pick who The CHURCH will determine to support POLITICALLY? Politcally?!
Politics in church continues even after the destruction and (speak of) utter divisiveness brought by supporters of Barack Obama to our pulpits??!
Not a "co-sponsor", only an "endorser".
UMC, are our lives--to you--all about this type of competition amongst political parties? ...about which man of faith has the right to gather followers in the name doing something good for us all?!
My solace: THE UMC; that place which guided my life, has become a political tool ONLY supportive of "the minority" people, the Democrat party and its affiliates, ONLY preferred political candidates, Unions, and even separatist race-hate groups! THIS is now the United Methodist Church!
I am appalled at The United Methodist Church!! And I intend to let it be known.
Angela Peters,
Now former member UMC!
Liberal Groups Planning to Rally on National Mall
Published: September 26, 2010
Hoping to overshadow last month's large rally led by Glenn Beck that drew many Tea Party advocates and other conservatives, a coalition of liberal groups plan to descend on Washington on Saturday to make the case that they, and not the ascendant right, speak for America's embattled middle class.
Predicting a crowd of more than 100,000, some 300 liberal groups — including the N.A.A.C.P., the A.F.L.-C.I.O., the National Council of La Raza and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force — are sponsoring a march on Saturday in the hope of transforming the national conversation so it focuses less on the Tea Party. The groups sponsoring the rally, which is called "One Nation Working Together," say they hope to supplant what they say is the Tea Party's divisiveness with a message of unity to promote jobs, justice and education.
"The Tea Party has been getting much more media attention than it deserves, and it's been saying it represents the voice of middle-class America," said George Gresham, president of 1199 S.E.I.U., a New York health care union local, who says his union has chartered 500 buses to carry 25,000 union members to the rally. "A lot of us feel we have to get a different voice out there speaking for working people, one respecting the diversity of this country, which the Tea Party does not."
With so many civil rights, labor, religious, student, gay and peace groups sponsoring the march, organizers acknowledge that it was not easy to forge a common platform and message. And sometimes their message has gotten garbled.
Many sponsors say that the rally is not seeking to back President Obama or the Democrats, but rather to hold all of Washington, Democrats and Republicans, accountable for not doing more to fix the nation's problems. But some sponsors sound unmistakably partisan as they denounce "obstructionism" in the Senate that has blocked larger job-creation programs and other measures. While these sponsors steer clear of mentioning Republicans, their target seems obvious.
The march's supporters say that they, and not Mr. Beck, are the true descendants of the 1963 March on Washington, where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. The Saturday march, like the 1963 march — and the Aug. 28 gathering that Mr. Beck and others organized — will be held on the National Mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
"We'll look like the progeny of that march, with our diversity," said Benjamin T. Jealous, president of the N.A.A.C.P. "We're living through a moment of decreasing prosperity and increasing diversity. That's a formula for a battleground, not common ground. We say, 'Let's get the country moving back to common ground.' "
Mr. Jealous and Mr. Gresham, the two men who originally proposed the march, say they hope it will be larger than Mr. Beck's rally. "We believe that our satellite photos will stack up nicely to his satellite photos," Mr. Jealous said.
Organizers of the rally say their demonstration complements, rather than competes with, the Rally to Restore Sanity that the host of "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart, has announced for Washington on Oct. 30. Those behind next Saturday's rally assert that their event shares themes with Mr. Stewart's in opposing Tea Party negativism and extremism. Saying he was all for restoring sanity, Mr. Gresham said he would be happy to have Mr. Stewart speak at the event this weekend.
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said, "We hope that those who are supporting Stewart will also join us," adding: "We know what makes the headlines is conflict. We know what we need is to work together to solve problems."
Mr. Stewart, Mr. Beck and spokesmen for the Tea Party Patriots did not respond to requests for comment.
The rally's platform looks like a liberal wish list: extend unemployment benefits, raise the minimum wage, end the foreclosure epidemic, enact legislation making it easier to join unions, increase infrastructure spending to create jobs, "fix our broke immigration system" and end immigration round-ups that "encourage racial profiling." The march's sponsors hope it will help turn some of these wishes into legislative reality, in part by giving the Democrats some highly visible and clamorous backing to push through stalled legislation.
"Our rally is standing up for the change we voted for two years ago," Mr. Gresham said.
Janet MurguÃa, president of National Council of La Raza, said the rally was nonpartisan, although it aims to encourage more people to engage in the electoral process. But Mr. Gresham said he hoped the march would build momentum for candidates who back the demonstrators' goals, and those generally do not include Republican candidates.
The march has been endorsed by the United Church of Christ, the National Baptist Convention and several Jewish organizations, while the United Methodist Church's General Board of Church and Society has endorsed its principles.
"As people of faith, we deeply care about the issues of justice, education and jobs, and we feel those are issues facing society we have to address," said the Rev. Amy Stapleton, a Methodist minister. "A march like this is something that hasn't been accomplished since Dr. King brought people together in 1963 around issues of race, war, class and the right to decent pay and good jobs."
With so many civil rights, labor, religious, student, gay and peace groups sponsoring the march, organizers acknowledge that it was not easy to forge a common platform and message. And sometimes their message has gotten garbled.
Many sponsors say that the rally is not seeking to back President Obama or the Democrats, but rather to hold all of Washington, Democrats and Republicans, accountable for not doing more to fix the nation's problems. But some sponsors sound unmistakably partisan as they denounce "obstructionism" in the Senate that has blocked larger job-creation programs and other measures. While these sponsors steer clear of mentioning Republicans, their target seems obvious.
The march's supporters say that they, and not Mr. Beck, are the true descendants of the 1963 March on Washington, where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. The Saturday march, like the 1963 march — and the Aug. 28 gathering that Mr. Beck and others organized — will be held on the National Mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
"We'll look like the progeny of that march, with our diversity," said Benjamin T. Jealous, president of the N.A.A.C.P. "We're living through a moment of decreasing prosperity and increasing diversity. That's a formula for a battleground, not common ground. We say, 'Let's get the country moving back to common ground.' "
Mr. Jealous and Mr. Gresham, the two men who originally proposed the march, say they hope it will be larger than Mr. Beck's rally. "We believe that our satellite photos will stack up nicely to his satellite photos," Mr. Jealous said.
Organizers of the rally say their demonstration complements, rather than competes with, the Rally to Restore Sanity that the host of "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart, has announced for Washington on Oct. 30. Those behind next Saturday's rally assert that their event shares themes with Mr. Stewart's in opposing Tea Party negativism and extremism. Saying he was all for restoring sanity, Mr. Gresham said he would be happy to have Mr. Stewart speak at the event this weekend.
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said, "We hope that those who are supporting Stewart will also join us," adding: "We know what makes the headlines is conflict. We know what we need is to work together to solve problems."
Mr. Stewart, Mr. Beck and spokesmen for the Tea Party Patriots did not respond to requests for comment.
The rally's platform looks like a liberal wish list: extend unemployment benefits, raise the minimum wage, end the foreclosure epidemic, enact legislation making it easier to join unions, increase infrastructure spending to create jobs, "fix our broke immigration system" and end immigration round-ups that "encourage racial profiling." The march's sponsors hope it will help turn some of these wishes into legislative reality, in part by giving the Democrats some highly visible and clamorous backing to push through stalled legislation.
"Our rally is standing up for the change we voted for two years ago," Mr. Gresham said.
Janet MurguÃa, president of National Council of La Raza, said the rally was nonpartisan, although it aims to encourage more people to engage in the electoral process. But Mr. Gresham said he hoped the march would build momentum for candidates who back the demonstrators' goals, and those generally do not include Republican candidates.
The march has been endorsed by the United Church of Christ, the National Baptist Convention and several Jewish organizations, while the United Methodist Church's General Board of Church and Society has endorsed its principles.
"As people of faith, we deeply care about the issues of justice, education and jobs, and we feel those are issues facing society we have to address," said the Rev. Amy Stapleton, a Methodist minister. "A march like this is something that hasn't been accomplished since Dr. King brought people together in 1963 around issues of race, war, class and the right to decent pay and good jobs."
An article on Monday about a coalition of liberal groups planning a rally in Washington on Saturday, using information provided by a high-level minister for the United Methodist Church, referred incorrectly to the church's role in the event. A board within the United Methodist Church has endorsed the principles of the rally, but the overall church has not endorsed the rally. Also, after the article was published, the church's director of communications said that the minister, the Rev. Amy Stapleton, was not speaking on behalf of the church.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: September 28, 2010
An article on Monday about plans by a coalition of liberal groups to march in Washington on Saturday, using information from a high-level minister for the United Methodist Church, misstated the church's official position on the event. The church's General Board of Church and Society has endorsed the march, but the event is not "co-sponsored" by the United Methodist Church itself.
Correction: September 28, 2010
An article on Monday about plans by a coalition of liberal groups to march in Washington on Saturday, using information from a high-level minister for the United Methodist Church, misstated the church's official position on the event. The church's General Board of Church and Society has endorsed the march, but the event is not "co-sponsored" by the United Methodist Church itself.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
@FamousOneRadio Andy, "Lady-G" IT IS NOT HOMOPHOBIA, IT IS "ORDERS" and HUMAN EMOTION. Period. #Stayoutofthetroopslivesladygaga #dadt
Thank you, Michelle(!), Barry, and Andrew, for enlightening us on how we could be caught up in an attempt to “change the tone”, “take back the (national) conversation”, …read be misled and hear history and reasoning revised; in this case Lady GAGA’s attempt to make her wrong opinion of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” look right!
I am disgusted with her, and types like her who have not lived long enough to spout, yet will--with such an obviously limited view of what they purport, then use the glitz they (can afford to) use to drive others (once again, read "our teens") to re-believe their point of view is correct. Pshaw!
Are those against the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” homophobic? Hateful?
NO, WE are not.
1-- it is an ORDER; and ‘you signed up to go and you DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD’. Period.
2—unless you are dead you have some human desires. Well, don’t you? And, inconvenient, claustrophobic, long-term, frustrating environments can be grueling on any human. Humans seek pleasure. No psychiatrist has to clarify this! If, then, a man--straight or gay--knows another man may have a tendency for the sexual act there is a higher likelihood off-side (sexual) activity could take place; say, between another man who was "questioning". Maybe drugs or drunkardness could lead to an erratic decision. Are you in denial that is a potential after affect on some? ‘You did not SIGN UP or were recruited to serve while having your own personal issues distract you from that PRIORITY’. Period.
Michelle summed it up completely. WE are not WRONG in requiring DADT to stand. NO ONE IS HATEFUL. NO ONE IS HOMOPHOBIC ... except maybe the squeaky wheel known as Lady GAGA??
(By the way, NONE of the 'old Troops' and my closest buddies or loved ones I know want anybody re-deciding or re-defining this topic for them! Not Colin Powell,and NOT Lady Gaga!)
Thank you, Michelle(!), Barry, and Andrew, for enlightening us on how we could be caught up in an attempt to “change the tone”, “take back the (national) conversation”, …read be misled and hear history and reasoning revised; in this case Lady GAGA’s attempt to make her wrong opinion of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” look right!
I am disgusted with her, and types like her who have not lived long enough to spout, yet will--with such an obviously limited view of what they purport, then use the glitz they (can afford to) use to drive others (once again, read "our teens") to re-believe their point of view is correct. Pshaw!
Are those against the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” homophobic? Hateful?
NO, WE are not.
1-- it is an ORDER; and ‘you signed up to go and you DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD’. Period.
2—unless you are dead you have some human desires. Well, don’t you? And, inconvenient, claustrophobic, long-term, frustrating environments can be grueling on any human. Humans seek pleasure. No psychiatrist has to clarify this! If, then, a man--straight or gay--knows another man may have a tendency for the sexual act there is a higher likelihood off-side (sexual) activity could take place; say, between another man who was "questioning". Maybe drugs or drunkardness could lead to an erratic decision. Are you in denial that is a potential after affect on some? ‘You did not SIGN UP or were recruited to serve while having your own personal issues distract you from that PRIORITY’. Period.
Michelle summed it up completely. WE are not WRONG in requiring DADT to stand. NO ONE IS HATEFUL. NO ONE IS HOMOPHOBIC ... except maybe the squeaky wheel known as Lady GAGA??
(By the way, NONE of the 'old Troops' and my closest buddies or loved ones I know want anybody re-deciding or re-defining this topic for them! Not Colin Powell,and NOT Lady Gaga!)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"DREAM" Differently--The American Way!
Whether the truth about the outcome hurts (you) emotionally, the U.S. Senate--"R's" and "D's"--did the right thing in not playing politics, by attaching both "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" and the "Dream Act" to a pay raise for the Troops.
Harry Reid was sinister to have done so; once again assuming most (voters) have not awakened to these ill-willed and ill-fated, old school political tactics designed to embarrass the opposite Party into submitting to the entire, badly proposed legislation. Pshaw! No more, Harry!
We—The PEOPLE—are awake! And “we”--“The Awakened” --are informing the still sleep: And we will awaken them, whilst you only open their eyes wide shut…
These political, “Party”, tactics are what divide us: not our disagreements as to how to enact change. When our Congressional representation, our Senate, our Judicial legislators …Our President..s(!) begin to again take us seriously, we might see real debate towards a valid resolution to issues that concern us differently.
We can “agree to disagree” but still find a resolution.
If we designed and geared our approach to the solution of our economic, educational, social, and racial issues towards an American Value System and apply “programs” accordingly, we might have a basis for which to set an agenda acceptable by the majority. But even worse, now, is we are allowing this Administration to apply a “World” agenda—with others dictating to us how to remain the most successful county ‘on the planet’ … I mean when, before, did we need, or heed, the advice of rogue nations?!
We can do it if the “Parties” won’t!
It is time to re-write The Dream Act to state an honest approach to “the Dream” that is the “American Value System”, which Americans regard and respect.
That value system, while being constantly challenged towards the improvement of all people lives, had a strict basis, adopted by this country and profoundly stated in its use of language and ability to limit itself to THE PEOPLE’s wishes, and using the fairest and best tools and methods to achieve and maintain the balancing of our differences …and not intended to be changed because the majority decision is not what the minority party had hoped for!
‘The System’ is not the problem—the lack of honesty in the rhetoric is.
The desire for “the Dream” is appreciable by all of us who value being an American Citizen! But derogatory opinion after the rejection of your expected decision does not give me reason to (ask my Senator to) make it any easier… .
Don’t try to change ‘our’ dream, and the method to achieve it, because you are not patient enough--or willing--to present a factual debate; or your sincerity is not convincing enough to force the handing over of such a prized existence! You—dream differently.
This "Dream" is the American way! (…and personally, for me, it’s a wonderful way to wake up!)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Illegals Receive the Pay-O-La of Citizenship to Serve: Harry wants to add to the Defense Budget
"Illegals Receive the Pay-O-La of Citizenship to Serve,
Yet I—a proud American, Served From My Heart!"
I received a call from someone I feel is an American patriot, troubled with the Dream Act proposal by Harry Reid and the Liberals, to give American citizenship to some illegal immigrants for the 'price' of their service to the US military.
I'm sure there are many like him who as a proud American, volunteered and served in a branch of the U.S military—willingly from their heart; and wonder how giving away American citizenship in trade for a minimal two-year commitment-- for which you are being paid, fed, clothed, housed, trained (especially in military weaponry and tactics!), educated, traveled, and provided medical support--is not more than a wonderful pay-o-la for the illegal immigrant who won't first go and obtain precious and coveted American citizenship, for the honor of serving this country after they have proclaimed their allegiance.
It seems easy and trivial, to accept the short-termed commitment being offered (towards achieving exactly everything that it is you wanted anyway…) with so much—and so precious--being handed out for free! Who wouldn't commit, if you still achieve the ultimate goal of remaining in The United States of America via an easier ticket than those who apply properly using the current method (despite its issues). What a deal!!
I am even more skeptical, that the Illegal's commitment to military service proves no sincere adoption of the American value system, patriotism, and allegiance there-to; but is instead an alternative by those Illegals who just don't want to hide illegally or any longer under a false name in America's public assistance programs.
It's hard not to be (skeptical) when I've seen the Illegals picket, protest, and boycott to show their love(?) for this America they so earnestly(?) want to remain in …I mean, become a citizen of.
In my opinion, Harry Reid and the Liberals could care less about an "American Value System" or "(American) Patriotism"! Those two subjects do not seem to be a part of his conversation, credit-hour requirements, or military service training in his and his Illegals "Dream".
Thursday, September 9, 2010
911 Hero's Family Member: "Ground zero mosque is the SECOND mosque being built on a 9/11 site"
911 Hero's Family Member: "Ground zero mosque is the SECOND mosque being built on a 9/11 site"
PLEASE take urgent note of this, second mosque being put in what is now hallowed ground to Americans!! Spread the word and don't let THIS one get built!
Please visit:
PLEASE take urgent note of this, second mosque being put in what is now hallowed ground to Americans!! Spread the word and don't let THIS one get built!
Please visit:
MOVING the Mosque Will Cause Violence? Why?
"The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack, ..."
Why? Because as we have been warned by practitioners and religious leaders of various theologies, based on fact-based study of their intent, “Muslims” have selected to place this “mosque” at the site of a former attack taken on their enemy; which is a symbol of vanquish.
When YOU are willing to accept the metaphorical symbolism that appeals to these believers of their faith, you can understand why it would appear we are attempting a ‘take back,’ that their Imam would retreat.
Many of us understand and accept what is the (radical) Muslim tenet: regardless of America’s polite etiquette.
“Violence if you do, Violence if you don’t.” Hmmm …Last time I heard this was as a warning from 97% of ‘African-Americans’ who said the same would happen if Obama were not elected…
Angela Peters, TPM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Man Uses "Attractive" Method to Defend Himself and his Family and Harm No One!
It's what I'd do.
But if our "lawmakers" just don't continue to get it wrong; turning on the real victim.
I've told my children the same: If you are being victimized or kidnapped--scream "Fire!" Fire!" as loudly as you can ...maybe then someone will dial 911 as they run off.
Also, if you are being provoked or attacked at home, try to dial 911 from homephone (let it hit the ground while still on) and scream "He's got A Gun!" or "Someone's been shot!" because police prioritize calls with weapons involved...
I am not encouraging behavoir that invokes a "cry wolf" attitude by citizens; but George Grier knew what would attract the police to come immediately to thwart what could have ended in someone's death--his own.
But if our "lawmakers" just don't continue to get it wrong; turning on the real victim.
I've told my children the same: If you are being victimized or kidnapped--scream "Fire!" Fire!" as loudly as you can ...maybe then someone will dial 911 as they run off.
Also, if you are being provoked or attacked at home, try to dial 911 from homephone (let it hit the ground while still on) and scream "He's got A Gun!" or "Someone's been shot!" because police prioritize calls with weapons involved...
I am not encouraging behavoir that invokes a "cry wolf" attitude by citizens; but George Grier knew what would attract the police to come immediately to thwart what could have ended in someone's death--his own.
So Not Necessary...
...any more than I'd want my Bible descecrated.
...any more than I'd want my Bible descecrated.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
They Want To Rule The World! Starting With Your Campsite!
With the political news always so negative, many want to tune it out and stay encouraged having good ole' family fun and activity time. Now, while this government throws us distraction after distraction, they work behind the scenes to toss out new legislation to take away our ability to take a relaxing vacation ...especially if that vacation is not in keeping with their style of 'eco- friendly'. "Land grabbing" is taking place, to restrict uses and applications, and ownership of American lands--by you-can-guess who! Pay attention to this! Don't let them slip their limiting legislation into the next "education" bill... then tell you it is 'for the children'. NO--going camping with your family in our beautiful open lands IS for the children! This parental-supplied, hands-on "education" far trumps what could ever come from one of their classrooms.A. Peters/TPM
edited and reposted
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
McCain “WINS AGAIN!!” So NOW We Can Expect REAL Change?
He’s done it again! Used mega dollars, smooth talking voiceovers, only 40 percent of one aspect of the Arizona law enforcement community , the fair-minded commentary from the “#1 radio talk show hosts”, return the ‘good-ole boy’ voters, and voters who chose the Republican affiliate to ensure he was re-elected… —and he’s back to run as the Senatorial Republican candidate for 2010!Angela Peters/TPM
Not a “fan”, I will be critical of John McCain: what?-With he now having had a 27 year political career that parallels my first voting experience and history (all in Arizona)—I earn the right (as much as the next voting citizen)!
Arizonans have watched John McCain make a few key political and voting “flip-flops”, when we really thought we had his support. And in the past 8 years we have heard the promises to fix the problems with Illegal Immigration in Arizona, but are waiting for them to be delivered after so many years …uh huh.
His stance AND ACTIONS on certain issues have been enough to prove to some Arizona voters, Senator John McCain is not the strong “staunch conservative-valued” Republican he says that he is or that his campaign declares.
SO FEW cared whether John McCain was or was not re-elected, and whether we’d have to take the same risk if he wins the Arizona Senate seat, that he will not again support his own immigration plan which includes some support of forgiveness to the millions of Illegals that our government ‘just can’t find a way to deport’…
LACK OF VOTING has its consequences.
If you break the numbers down, there are 6.6 million residents of Arizona, the 14th largest state in the USA. Only 33% are registered voters, or approximately 2.1 million. Of that, only approximately 430,000 of all “Republicans”, “Democrats”, and “Independents” cared enough to vote!
I am at least glad to say I was one of those few.
But the local Arizona media is making John’s win simple. The “#1 rated” morning talk show hosts declare that ‘neither other opponent could have ever won …because they didn’t have the money (to advertise) that John McCain had!’--then debated with call-in listeners who disagreed (it was about the money)!
I disagree, as well, that money had ANYTHING to do with this win, nor McCain’s popular endorsement by less than half the state’s Sheriffs.
Having heard the ads yet remaining a dedicated proponent, it is my opinion JD Hayworth was not given the correct advice for how to push his message to the people; and his campaign message became a finger-pointing “tit-for-tat” instead of what we heard him say about himself prior to entering the race. Those who were ready to change from McCain had already given JD Hayworth the vote—but his campaign message did not convince others of who he really is.
And Jim Deacon—a straightforward but new entry to politics—had a personal financial gaff that may have disrupted the promotion of his campaign, and he just did not achieve enough name recognition alongside his political agenda to be taken seriously, yet.
No, I believe we just continue to suffer from allowing age ‘ole Party politics to be played; and from plain ole’ self-defeating voter apathy.
So is there something different to expect this go ‘round from John McCain?
When John McCain conceded the Presidential win of 2008, he encouraged us to support Obama’s platform of “Hope and Change”. Let’s just HOPE we see John’s CHANGE—to being THE TRULY “consistent conservative”, so we can rally back together to form a strong REPUBLICAN Party around John McCain to win the Arizona seat, he se can continue to work to defeat the liberal Democrat agenda in 2010 and 2012…
…this is the position we have placed ourselves in, again Arizona.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Representative John Boehner of Ohio, a Republican, is a great choice for the 2012 Presidential election--if only he'd declare himself a candidate! He is a strong and consistent voice of opposition standing up against this current administration. TPM
John Boehner
Fighting for Freedom. Making a Difference ...
The Official Campaign Website of Congressman John Boehner. - Cached - Similar
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Real Racism Goes Unreconiled: Where Were All the Civil Rights Groups When Omar Needed Them?
How sad that THIS appears to be a true case of "racism" run amuck in the workplace. But union "representation" and upper management did nothing to cure the problems. I pray for Ms. Hannah, and the Thornton family that Omar Thornton finds the peace he was seeking--that did not come from those he expected to help.
It is too sad that lives are lost like this in real situations like this, while the NAACP, ACLU, and others are out creating false ones!
I hope these persons deaths will motivate individuals in that community to reject "racism" and to instill a heartfelt effort to treat people 'as you would like to be trreated' ...with respect, as a human being.
08/04/2010 From:
Omar Thornton girlfriend Kristi Hannah recalls gunman's goodbye
The girlfriend of the Connecticut truck driver who killed eight of his co-workers said Wednesday he left for work on the morning of the massacre "in a daze." ...(please read the story)
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger
It is too sad that lives are lost like this in real situations like this, while the NAACP, ACLU, and others are out creating false ones!
I hope these persons deaths will motivate individuals in that community to reject "racism" and to instill a heartfelt effort to treat people 'as you would like to be trreated' ...with respect, as a human being.
08/04/2010 From:
Omar Thornton girlfriend Kristi Hannah recalls gunman's goodbye
The girlfriend of the Connecticut truck driver who killed eight of his co-workers said Wednesday he left for work on the morning of the massacre "in a daze." ...(please read the story)
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger
PROP 8: Not about being Anti-Gay, but about the Federal Government's attempt to redefine "Marriage"
How is it I am not a lawyer but can see in the case of California's PROPOSITION 8, the judge ruled INCORRECTLY because he chose to disregard the definition of the word and practice of "marriage" as originally, and currently, adopted and applied to US policy.
And, Barry M., just because you and so many others wish to redefine the word doesn't make it so!
The Prop 8 arguments are 1) The Plaintiff has the burden of proof... (prop 8 discriminates against gays and does not allow due process...); 2) the Defendants say gay marriage does harm to the state (children, families). The judge ruled saying gays are NOT allowed due process and gay marriage does NOT harm the state. But where has the Judge assessed the basic definition of the "activity" these persons wish to engage in to see if they are "eligible" to be included in this legislative "class": "married" persons?
Well I am harmed because supporters of gay marriage want to redefine the word "marriage", which I undertook more than 20 years ago, implying the origin of this word and celebration were incorrectly defined from their origin(!); and that they (the US fed government) will rule and provide final definition and complete clarity as to what this practice is and who can participate! I am harmed because the federal government wishes to now say this word and this religious celebration is not the type of institution I chose to participate when I entered into it voluntarily more than 20 years ago! Because if I had been made aware the U.S. Federal Government intended to sponsor this institution, and therefore have the sole ability to re-define what this practice is and who can participate--I may have chosen not to participate! If I had been made aware the definition of "marriage" would be subject to change over time due to their ...judicial activism ...I may not have made this life-long commitment to this "practice" under the state government that licensed the activity!
This is not Constitutionalists not wanting to be fair. This is not about being "ANTI-GAY!" "The People" are tired of those who are to INTERPRET and APPLY THE LAW, "spinning" it to meet their end goal--and not "the will of the people"! It means those representing the citizenry DO NOT have the common interest as their goal as they continue to RE-INTERPRET LAW to obviously support their minority interest!
Not that I agree it should be, but if the 'Gay Community' had only been asking for "civil union granting legislative responsibilities and privileges equal to that of "married" persons" this overly diverse and overly politically-correct "new" America we now live in would have had this in place as a new Constitutional amendment long ago!
Constitutionalists should question WHY the federal government continues to play a role in "marriage" anyway, except to legislate over and tax this "class" of people differently than an individual. Issues of controlling racial intermarriage have long since been put-aside with civil rights legislation as a reason for marriage licensing, so there is no longer a need for a government issued licensed except for taxation!
(And, Barry, your continued analogy of black racism in the south is FAR FROM the prop 8 and gay issues of today! The laws fighting for and against who was to be treated fairly as a full "privileged" U.S. Citizen--by decree or by birth--had nothing to do with sexual orientation--and who you chose to co-habitate with! And the privileges of citizenship in America don't mean all are allowed--or conversely, forced into--each individuals or groups religious tenets, celebrations, etc. just because they are US Citizens!! Why do so many wish to equalize this?)
"The Judge did his job"--overturning a law that was "unconstitutional"?? Well WHO SAID this judge or any other has the "constitutional" right to re-interpret and create a new definition for the religious practice of "marriage"?
I want to know who gave them this right!
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
NY AIA Presents False Case Against Buildings Historical Value to Support Liberal Desire to Build 911 Mosque
Rick Bell and the New York American Institute of Architects are no friends to the 911 families and opponents to the Ground Zero Mosque. This liberal group has been supporting the "Green" agenda since before the attack on the World Trade Center, and now must not bite the hand that feeds them by losing out on green funding architectural efforts which must support advocacy and "international" interests. Bell, states in an interview with The Cooperator “For me personally, the most important part of the AIA’s mission is advocacy on public policy issues,” Bell says. “Focusing attention on design in relation to public policy—zoning, codes, guidelines, environmental standards, accessibility, for starters—is the role of architects and the professional society, the AIA, which brings them together.” (
So what about the "public" this groups "policy" affects? Does that policy include dismissing previous historical standards in order to allow build of THIS mosque--at the site of the 911 attack with so much other real estate available?
Once again, another group whose policy shows, and allows its agenda to prove, a blatant disregard--and disrespect--for American sentiment!
God Bless You, 911 Victims, Families, and Friends. REAL America supports you.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
ARIZONA--We HAVE Won Today. Don't Worry My Fellow Patriots!
GO OUT AND TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS and laugh at those who THINK they’ve won. 'Be still, my souls..." and let them celebrate in the streets: because NOW "Sheriff Joe" and all of Arizona Law Enforcement CAN "ASK"--and THEY INTEND TO ARREST FOR BREAKING OUR LAWS!
PLEASE supportive media, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH the WIN in this. It is sad to see even DRUDGE mischaracterizing the decision. This is exactly what the opponents thrive on!
But the truth is MAYOR PHIL GORDON, JACK HARRIS, CITY OF MESA, and other entities can NO LONGER tell their Officers to back off—they can ask the arrest questions needed, including immigration status, without fearing repercussion for their own authorities! Sanctuary policy and cities are no longer allowed in ARIZONA!
GO OUT AND TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS and laugh at those who THINK they’ve won. 'Be still, my souls..." and let them celebrate in the streets: because NOW "Sheriff Joe" and all of Arizona Law Enforcement CAN "ASK"--and THEY INTEND TO ARREST FOR BREAKING OUR LAWS!
PLEASE supportive media, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH the WIN in this. It is sad to see even DRUDGE mischaracterizing the decision. This is exactly what the opponents thrive on!
But the truth is MAYOR PHIL GORDON, JACK HARRIS, CITY OF MESA, and other entities can NO LONGER tell their Officers to back off—they can ask the arrest questions needed, including immigration status, without fearing repercussion for their own authorities! Sanctuary policy and cities are no longer allowed in ARIZONA!
- 'Rush', it is not that we here in Arizona want to display a false sense of reality, by accepting a 'partial win'. We know to allow Obama's administration through Susan Bolton to take the guts right out of this law leaves us with little more than we started with. But we were NOT stripped of our existing laws; and keys laws were bolstered. And with law officials like Sherriff Joe Arpaio and Sherrff Paul Babeau we can AND WILL be able to perform, at least, these tasks without their hands tied. Arizona is very proud of its heroically brave police, fire, and rescue persons!
BUT THIS IN NO WAY MEANS A LAW BREAKING ILLEGAL--as equally now as a citizen--CANNOT BE 1. QUESTIONED THEN, 2. ARRESTED, as they always have been under current laws and greater still since OUR POLICE OFFICERS HANDS WILL NO LONGER BE TIED by local “sanctuary” policies!
“ARREST ON, AZ!” because Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will have TIED THEIR OWN HANDS by asking to be the sole governmental entity to handle the research and resolution of the illegal’s status. Amazing, since—with all the need for so many jobs--the Federal Government has not decided to increase the staffing at ICE to the size needed to accommodate their task of accomplishing this, their task!
So let ICE get burdened… and the blame will also be on them and the Federal Government, for lack of action leading to any harm come to me and my family. They are putting us in harm's way first...something they will be sure to regret if my family is harmed, as recompense to personally SUE them “royally” will just be the start if we ARE harmed as a result of their inaction!
WE HAVE WON THIS BATTLE, Arizona! …now strap on your gun (“AZ gun law takes effect”) and keep yourself safe, because WE ARE STILL IN THIS WAR!!
The Patriot
"Each battle makes this war!" (TPM 2010)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Arizona Senate Bill 1070 Loss is Huge
Arizona has been set up to be an illegal immigrant sanctuary state--thank you Obama administration. The danger we face is grave, being left in the position US District Judge Susan Bolton has left us in. The actions of these government officials should be considered treasonous and criminal; and if harm comes to my (American) children as a result of the lack of control in allowing the non-Americans to run "willy-nilly" in ANY of our city streets, I WILL take all action possible to bring those officials and this government down... I am disgusted with the lack of support for securing America for ITS citizens--first.
Further--being an Arizona resident, I have seen it ALL. I have had my neighborhood values hugely diminished, my neighborhood school fall to a 4 out of 10 rating, had a family member physically victimized, and another challenge the getting of a job based on years of skill versus race... so when I call on the police or other officials for help in my legal battles, will their help come BASED ON who the persons I am accusing of harming me?
Having grown up here and see all of this over almost 50 years I ALSO know that THIS is NOT the Arizona that WE "Arizonans" know: Our AMERICAN brothers and sisters of Mexicans and other hispanic and latin cultures descent DO NOT WANT ILLEGAL PERSONS ENTERING AND AFFECTING THEIR LIVES anymore than anyone else would! We are a free here: BEFORE unions overtook the idiot indsturies that chose to adopt them here, THIS was the place to be if you were a freedom loving citizen who wanted to start your own business, build your own paradise of a residence (few HOAs), feel the melting pot of America in all the multicultural activity that took place.
But THOSE WHO WANTED TO SUPPORT AN "OPEN-BORDERS" AGENDA created it to acheive an income base (cheap labor) and a political base (votes). The lies that this agenda is to support the ability for families to remain together is just that--a huge lie that I can personally attest to. I cannot think of one (of the many) families illegally here that I personally know that have had ANY challenges regularly crossing the Mexican border to visit and "vacation".
How WRONG these advocates, activistrs, the Federal Government, and this judge to come in and assume they know so much more about our lives in Arizona and how we live HERE. LIVE HERE THEN TELL US HOW WE WANT IT TO BE--THIS IS OUR STATE (and there are plenty others to choose from if you don't want to respect our lives and our laws, here)!!
We will fight: we always do! It's just too bad the Obama administration did not end this fight for us.
Angela Peters, "The Patriot"
Native born Arizonan--and proud of it!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
[ (warning--lude commentary!)]
I have “hated” on you, but I see and know ALL that will EVER HELP you, IS GOD! Because YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SAVE YOUR OWN MISERABLE SELVES!!
“My LORD GOD, Jesus Christ I ask you to SAVE THEIR SOULS” because my flesh is weak, and all I can see worthy for them is to “GO TO HELL!”
HOW LONG, Mr. Sherrod? HOW LONG WILL YOU FESTER ABOUT YOUR MISERABLE PAST? And how loudly will you applaud—University of Virginia Black Law organization?
“Hey all! The world—especially America—HAS changed, and YOU are now your OWN problem!”
Since you referred to Jesus, HOW MANY MORE GENERATIONS WILL YOU CORRUPT WITH YOUR INABILITY TO “FORGIVE AND FORGET” what happened in your past? ” How DARE you call out Jesus’ name!
Guess what, Charles? I’ve been called a “Nigger” not less than twice in my life. I had a man spit at my feet as he passed by me. Once, a group of Hispanic men tried to run me off the road. And there are times when white cashiers still don’t put the money directly in my hand. And I have black family members that hate my white husband!
But some of us, maybe only 3 percent, are capable of not becoming the RACIST PIGs YOU, YOUR WIFE, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR PEERS, YOUR AUDIENCES--HAVE CHOSEN TO REMAIN OR BECOME by ADOPTING “REVERSE” RACISM, RETALIATION, RETRIBUTION, REPUDIATION against an entire race of people.
Are you actually telling those whom you ask to “carry (your) torch…” that you ARE such a WEAK MAN and that as a result of these past atrocities (no doubt) by INDIVIDUAL PERSONS or PARTIES (aka the evil white corporation) and even despicable political and business, racial and discriminatory practices you will carry a grudge “…until you die.”
What a big man you are, Charles! How proud you must be to teach this to young blacks who were destined never to suffer as you did, because of what your generation did do to “overcome” it: how sad “you-all” throw that all away to get a lectern!
WHAT, YOU COULDN’T STAND UP, LIKE Dr. KING? If you had, you’d have taken GOD’S blessings, and MOVED FORWARD WITH THEM.
I see we truly do NOT worship the same God. None of the 97% of blacks are worshipping the God I Love; because MINE is a FORGIVING GOD of EVERYONE’s sins! And HE expects NO LESS from ANY MAN after what HIS SON suffered for ALL of us!
Sherrod, WHO ARE YOU to believe your suffering is to be ANY LESS, to achieve the fruit of this--His land!
You insult Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. ?! “GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE?” And you think ONLY YOURS? Why do WHITE MEN have to show and prove to you the content of their character—when yours is awful!! Have you ever looked in ‘your own mirror’ especially as you practice your hate speeches?
White people in America and alive on this earth today have NOTHING to prove to you! The proof of this is in your FREEDOM to even UTTER the trash and hatred you are giving a university invitation to spew! In the past times you still live in you wouldn’t have even entered the school grounds.
I—AND ALL THE REST OF who you call “UNCLE TOMS” can appreciate the “CHANGE” that had already come to America and that I and so many others remain vigilant in advocating, promoting, and perpetuating until MEN LIKE CHARLES SHERROD NO LONGER SPEAK a voice of hate.
For as often as ‘you’ rant your hatred, others like me will remain vigilant to set the record straight about your lies and rhetoric!
You LIE and LIE and LIE to our children! You CONTINUE to spread your LYING HATE—even to what should be intelligent college students.
No one is stopping your race’s progress! Go ask Oprah to open a hospital! How about the collective of all of Chicago’s wealthy blacks to pay for that land tract you lost? You can start with the Obamas! There are RAPPERS the amount of money you needed to save your land, from just the ‘white’ purchases of their latest rap hit! Go buy land up and create your own, damned, state—why don’t you! For SOME REASON you still want to remain in America and call yourself “Americans”, rather than go and re-patriot to some place for example Africa, since you so hate this place and just can’t seem to make something of yourself here!
By the way, I did just fine as an American entrepreneur using ‘white corporations’ to live the “American Dream” since, afterall, they used their desire to open a business, that supplied my parts and equipment—and didn’t use excuses like their race to NOT get a license, NOT rent a building, NOT put up a sign, NOT invest in inventory, NOT train employees, … or NOT sell to me--a business owner who is black--and NOT make a return on their dollar!
But blacks like you, Charles Sherrod and Jesse Jackson, can’t be proud of what you helped accomplish! No, you won’t see ‘your own people’s’ amazing progress in America—and instead you live to promote a false resentment towards an enemy you and your “liberation movement” created—in order to have an employable industry for all like you in “race relations”.
You are a RACIST.
But, Sherrod and Jackson, there are Blacks who appreciate what The United States of America has become, is now, and does offer; and so chose to give their patriotism to it—and not your separatist America!
Yep--I sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing” in the predominantly black Methodist church I was raised in, proudly understanding this song was a “slave” song (as James Weldon was!) that portrayed hope in a struggle to be free. Mr. Weldon did not write “True to Africa” in his closing, he wrote “True to our Native Land”. Further, nowhere in the lyrics did Mr. Weldon specify a race of people; keeping his song an “anthem” to all who have suffered!
Were the black elders who taught me this song--and who I saw help make the American future change--actually trapped in anger and resentment with a wish that this song would one day be used as America’s National anthem? We all now know for a fact this group of former 1960s and 1970s radicals, and the modern day group of separatists they have become, have it only in their self-interest to keep offering up a number of hateful suggestions and racial accusations that they hope will lead to an equal outpouring of hate, in kind, giving them cause to attempt their final revolt towards “black liberation”.
Sad thing is, in this ignorance the black people who did so very much to shape America, are utterly and completely disregarded by these current-day black “professors”, “reverends”, and so-called “leaders” who are today’s teachers of history.
Charles Sherrod, you are NOTHING but an UNREQUITED “BLACK LIBERATION” movement activist. NO ONE FEARS YOU and YOUR HATE SPEECH!
The University of Virginia black student groups—that they still exist—should be ashamed of themselves for being the most elite “blacks”, yet still perpetuating racism!
YOU, Sherrod—and people who even LISTEN, nod or chuckle in agreement, and especially support your types--are the problem, NOT the white people you single out to hate!
"Reverend Jackson", I thought YOU'D know this: that despite their suffering, blacks—like any race--are not above any other man in the eye’s of THE ONE God. Whether they’d like to or not, black Theologians can’t revise Gods meaning of ‘man’ to exclude those men they do not like!
And it is This God I ask to help you:
“God help Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Black Panthers, The Obamas’, and all of who are like them… they are truly lost and need your help. Amen.”
Angela Peters
The 3% Foundation
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger
[ (warning--lude commentary!)]
I have “hated” on you, but I see and know ALL that will EVER HELP you, IS GOD! Because YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SAVE YOUR OWN MISERABLE SELVES!!
“My LORD GOD, Jesus Christ I ask you to SAVE THEIR SOULS” because my flesh is weak, and all I can see worthy for them is to “GO TO HELL!”
HOW LONG, Mr. Sherrod? HOW LONG WILL YOU FESTER ABOUT YOUR MISERABLE PAST? And how loudly will you applaud—University of Virginia Black Law organization?
“Hey all! The world—especially America—HAS changed, and YOU are now your OWN problem!”
Since you referred to Jesus, HOW MANY MORE GENERATIONS WILL YOU CORRUPT WITH YOUR INABILITY TO “FORGIVE AND FORGET” what happened in your past? ” How DARE you call out Jesus’ name!
Guess what, Charles? I’ve been called a “Nigger” not less than twice in my life. I had a man spit at my feet as he passed by me. Once, a group of Hispanic men tried to run me off the road. And there are times when white cashiers still don’t put the money directly in my hand. And I have black family members that hate my white husband!
But some of us, maybe only 3 percent, are capable of not becoming the RACIST PIGs YOU, YOUR WIFE, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR PEERS, YOUR AUDIENCES--HAVE CHOSEN TO REMAIN OR BECOME by ADOPTING “REVERSE” RACISM, RETALIATION, RETRIBUTION, REPUDIATION against an entire race of people.
Are you actually telling those whom you ask to “carry (your) torch…” that you ARE such a WEAK MAN and that as a result of these past atrocities (no doubt) by INDIVIDUAL PERSONS or PARTIES (aka the evil white corporation) and even despicable political and business, racial and discriminatory practices you will carry a grudge “…until you die.”
What a big man you are, Charles! How proud you must be to teach this to young blacks who were destined never to suffer as you did, because of what your generation did do to “overcome” it: how sad “you-all” throw that all away to get a lectern!
WHAT, YOU COULDN’T STAND UP, LIKE Dr. KING? If you had, you’d have taken GOD’S blessings, and MOVED FORWARD WITH THEM.
I see we truly do NOT worship the same God. None of the 97% of blacks are worshipping the God I Love; because MINE is a FORGIVING GOD of EVERYONE’s sins! And HE expects NO LESS from ANY MAN after what HIS SON suffered for ALL of us!
Sherrod, WHO ARE YOU to believe your suffering is to be ANY LESS, to achieve the fruit of this--His land!
You insult Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. ?! “GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE?” And you think ONLY YOURS? Why do WHITE MEN have to show and prove to you the content of their character—when yours is awful!! Have you ever looked in ‘your own mirror’ especially as you practice your hate speeches?
White people in America and alive on this earth today have NOTHING to prove to you! The proof of this is in your FREEDOM to even UTTER the trash and hatred you are giving a university invitation to spew! In the past times you still live in you wouldn’t have even entered the school grounds.
I—AND ALL THE REST OF who you call “UNCLE TOMS” can appreciate the “CHANGE” that had already come to America and that I and so many others remain vigilant in advocating, promoting, and perpetuating until MEN LIKE CHARLES SHERROD NO LONGER SPEAK a voice of hate.
For as often as ‘you’ rant your hatred, others like me will remain vigilant to set the record straight about your lies and rhetoric!
You LIE and LIE and LIE to our children! You CONTINUE to spread your LYING HATE—even to what should be intelligent college students.
No one is stopping your race’s progress! Go ask Oprah to open a hospital! How about the collective of all of Chicago’s wealthy blacks to pay for that land tract you lost? You can start with the Obamas! There are RAPPERS the amount of money you needed to save your land, from just the ‘white’ purchases of their latest rap hit! Go buy land up and create your own, damned, state—why don’t you! For SOME REASON you still want to remain in America and call yourself “Americans”, rather than go and re-patriot to some place for example Africa, since you so hate this place and just can’t seem to make something of yourself here!
By the way, I did just fine as an American entrepreneur using ‘white corporations’ to live the “American Dream” since, afterall, they used their desire to open a business, that supplied my parts and equipment—and didn’t use excuses like their race to NOT get a license, NOT rent a building, NOT put up a sign, NOT invest in inventory, NOT train employees, … or NOT sell to me--a business owner who is black--and NOT make a return on their dollar!
But blacks like you, Charles Sherrod and Jesse Jackson, can’t be proud of what you helped accomplish! No, you won’t see ‘your own people’s’ amazing progress in America—and instead you live to promote a false resentment towards an enemy you and your “liberation movement” created—in order to have an employable industry for all like you in “race relations”.
You are a RACIST.
But, Sherrod and Jackson, there are Blacks who appreciate what The United States of America has become, is now, and does offer; and so chose to give their patriotism to it—and not your separatist America!
Yep--I sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing” in the predominantly black Methodist church I was raised in, proudly understanding this song was a “slave” song (as James Weldon was!) that portrayed hope in a struggle to be free. Mr. Weldon did not write “True to Africa” in his closing, he wrote “True to our Native Land”. Further, nowhere in the lyrics did Mr. Weldon specify a race of people; keeping his song an “anthem” to all who have suffered!
Were the black elders who taught me this song--and who I saw help make the American future change--actually trapped in anger and resentment with a wish that this song would one day be used as America’s National anthem? We all now know for a fact this group of former 1960s and 1970s radicals, and the modern day group of separatists they have become, have it only in their self-interest to keep offering up a number of hateful suggestions and racial accusations that they hope will lead to an equal outpouring of hate, in kind, giving them cause to attempt their final revolt towards “black liberation”.
Sad thing is, in this ignorance the black people who did so very much to shape America, are utterly and completely disregarded by these current-day black “professors”, “reverends”, and so-called “leaders” who are today’s teachers of history.
Charles Sherrod, you are NOTHING but an UNREQUITED “BLACK LIBERATION” movement activist. NO ONE FEARS YOU and YOUR HATE SPEECH!
The University of Virginia black student groups—that they still exist—should be ashamed of themselves for being the most elite “blacks”, yet still perpetuating racism!
YOU, Sherrod—and people who even LISTEN, nod or chuckle in agreement, and especially support your types--are the problem, NOT the white people you single out to hate!
"Reverend Jackson", I thought YOU'D know this: that despite their suffering, blacks—like any race--are not above any other man in the eye’s of THE ONE God. Whether they’d like to or not, black Theologians can’t revise Gods meaning of ‘man’ to exclude those men they do not like!
And it is This God I ask to help you:
“God help Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, The Black Congressional Caucus, The Black Panthers, The Obamas’, and all of who are like them… they are truly lost and need your help. Amen.”
Angela Peters
The 3% Foundation
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Barry, Once Again I'm Wrong: Brietbart might be an "Idiot", but He Proved Racism is Inherent
(Re: "Barry hang in there with Shirley Sherrod--she needs YOU (Conservative Media)"
"…people today would have no idea who Shirley Sherrod is or what she does. And she'd still be at her old job." (San Francisco Chronicle (blog) )
And that's exactly the point of what Andrew Breitbart did: was it smart? Will it backfire. Only to the extent Shirley Sherrod used the end of this incident to show us who she really is!
An unrequited racist.
What these "types" of black thinkers—types 'like' Ms. Sherrod'—don't have in them is an ability to not believe first that everything that adversely happens to them is FIRST and/or foremost because 'the other person' is looking at the color of their skin.
This is NO EXCUSE for them, but they are INHERENTLY RACIST and I believe—NOW—there is NOTHING THAT CAN BE SAID to change the way they believe!
It truly confuses me that it seems the various minority peoples fight(s) for "liberation" stopped being for UNITY almost immediately after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated! Blacks truly took the low road… and chose the support of "Radicals" who led them to choose the desire for RETALIATION—rather than "racial reconciliation", despite the obvious lack of being put down since "their" fight was one WITH Rev. King!
But Ms. Sherrod appeared in the public eye at this NAACP event (since the NAACP is the one arguing they are a non-profit org!) and voluntarily gave this, her life story of a converted racist (view full NAACP video here!).
And now, with SO MUCH MORE of the entire video of her so-called "racial reconciliation" come to light, she uses the platform of "…her own…" to BERATE ALL OF FOX NEWS WITH THE SAME 'OLE MEAN, HATEFUL RHETORIC AND ACCUSATIONS THAT FOX NEWS = IMPERIALIST WHITE PEOPLE WHOSE AIM IS TO RETURN TO THE PRE CIVIL RIGHTS ERA OF "HUMAN KINDNESS" IN AMERICA.
That's how I translate what she has said! (Read it yourself!)
"I think they should but they won't. They intended exactly what they did. "They were looking for the result they got yesterday," (Referring to FOX NEWS) "I am just a pawn. I was just here. They are after a bigger thing, they would love to take us back to where we were many years ago. Back to where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person."
"Shirley Sherrod is now the face of their hypocrisy--now go for the target "them", not her. SHE NEEDS you right now! She needs ALL OF US RIGHT NOW and it will "show them" where OUR HEARTS lie!"
"WHO is the RACIST?"
1) Blacks are on the WRONG SIDE of politics. Where they had gained standing in setting the post-racial tone in America long ago, they have now let themselves become in a negative approach to democracy AND in appealing to public opinion—fueled by the Democratic Party which mislead Blacks into adopting them blindly, and in being led to believe BY THAT PARTY that real "news" and is provided by all other sources except this particular one which has defended every American's honor! Since when has a political party had such a hold on the news media to provide such one-sided reporting as has been proven for the other networks, which ALL should be reporting unbiased "news" TO the people—the very point of this debacle of Andrew Breitbart?
2) Whether the majority of Blacks want to believe it or not, The Fox News organization altogether is the most forthright and truthful news source in our time. The persons who become affiliated stand wholly up for 1st, their character and 2nd, the facts—because their viewers require it. When "found out" the illegitimate are excoriated along with the rest! This second fact being a result of the first!
3) There is NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER BY THE FOXNEWS ORGANIZATIONS to "take us back to where we were many years ago. Back to where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person."
—so this is just a racist, defamatory statement coming from…. AN UNREQUITED RACIST!
And I NOW mean it when I say, there seems to be no getting through to THEM. It is them who I do not understand.
So, Barry, THE ONLY THING I might be able to accuse you of is, you might not "understand" is how hard that is to wake up to everyday wondering how to not be by default associated with "them"! There are some—Three Percent—of "us" that ARE trying to distinguish ourselves! "WE SO LOVE BEING AMERICAN and have NO PROBLEM BEING BLACK!"
Barry, I never had to chose a side of "racism". I'm not a "racist", and I don't understand racism. Further, I don't appreciate, approve, affiliate, or associate with persons who are--whatsoever! I gladly break ties if a different the truth is exposed. And I'll make the fatalistic mistake of using the subject of "being gay" metaphorically to say: unless it is as a gay person might defend that "being gay" is "inherent"; then "racists" must "just be born that way".
Obviously it is because RACISM is what IS DEEP in their hearts—no matter what the blessings and gifts over the course of their lives God--through all the fighters for human freedom--has shown them, to prove racism is to be abhorred!
(97% of) Blacks have CHOSEN not to "forgive" ("…7 times 70 times..') or to "let the past go"— Christian teachings reiterated to me time and time again by 'Christians'. What an insult to Jesus(!), the One many—if not most—American blacks have chosen to worship. (I'm sure He is pleased with what He sees in the heart (after all His teachings of forgiveness to ALL, for ALL our sins, huh?)
"If she is NOT sincere… "
Once Again, Barry, I'm Wrong! SHE IS NOT: she is just another disappointment. Andrew Brietbart might hold a temporary spot on my "Idiots' List", but he proved racism is inherent.
Angela Peters
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 10:38 AM, PM <> wrote:
Barry,the one thing YOU... (my husband, and a few others... ) HAVE to do--to KEEP CONTROL of the race "debate"--which, by the way WE Americans DO have control of, believe it or not--is to RECOGNIZE when "they" are trying... to just utter a semblance of 'understanding'. Talk Radio, Republicans, devout Christians, patriot Americans (read Tea Party Members) are all unjustly disregarded under the assumption "You Just Don't Understand... " recollect that awful 1980s "movement".Bound with stupid procrastination, only last night I (finally) read the Weather Undergrounds manifesto, and what a propagation of hate and meanness , designed by a small group, for the sake of a radical, self-hating cause! Who did they hate, their 'rich "White" parents' (Bissell, et al)?My God, what a litany unfortunately come true; EXCEPT THE REAL TRUTH IS THAT WE ALL OVERCAME! We DID achieve what Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. said we would yet for that brief period; up until the late 80s early 90s when I started to see the rhetoric, like I mentioned above, profoundly pushed hard among the youth in the 'black community'.But this "liberation" movement was so stuck on the $ $ $ $ they were making from influencing this mentality--and devising industry and REVISING government to support their agenda they COULDN'T let up! This can only be described as "UNREAL"--the utter damage they may have succeeded in achieving!HOW do we stop this?HOW do we get the people to come together along purely humanistic and patriotic lines?HOW DOES one get (just one of) them to understand, it IS strong to desire patriotism to country, especially when it IS America, a country you can own part of--no government strings attached IF each individual works to MAKE IT SO!Shirley Sherrod is now the face of their hypocrisy--now go for the target "them", not her. SHE NEEDS you right now! She needs ALL OF US RIGHT NOW and it will "show them" where OUR HEARTS lie!"WHO is the RACIST?""Na na na na boo boo"Let US not continue to play their school-yard games!
"Always listening, Barry!"Angela Peters,Chandler, Arizona
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger
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