"Mr." Leo Terrell, please don't worry about carrying the burden of "speaking for all 'african-americans'", because YOU, Farakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Jealous (NAACP)--NONE OF YOU--speak for ME: and my numbers are growing! First--"we" don't use hyphens to get our way; and last--"we" speak just fine WITH our fellow Americans about how fast this country has changed! You "HATERS." Mr. O'Reilly, you could not have summed it up any better!
WE "three percent" who didn't vote for this president are speaking out against your type! Types like Farakhan CAN NOT become Christians, because they are SUCH haters. They are incapable of following the kind-ness teachings of Jesus Christ, what with their ugly level of hate! Those "types" are any "ONE" of you (cite B. O'Reilly) who will give Farakhan, Jealous, and the others, your consideration, your dollars, your presence at a convention, your attendance in their 'church' (even with your unique ability to "separate the words from the man"...), ...or, Mr. Terrell, your support on the airwaves!
Just exaclty WHAT kind of "change" are the 97% of you desiring? Your sickening and continued RACISM preceeds you in answering this question!
The Patriot
(also at http://3pct.blogspot.com/ )
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