I can think of only two reasons why a person would be a Liberal Democrat. Neither are good.
1) You are stupid, and can't manage your own life--thus need third party intervention, like that of the government.
You need someone to tell you how to think. You can't do it for yourself. You make unwise choices. Can't control your own spending, or habits.
You need someone or something to define the parameters (...that means, "tell you how much", in case I'm using words too large to comprehend...) of what you can spend, or do... with the aspects of your life. How big a car you should drive--as if someone knows your family's activities and what best suites the transportation needs of your group. How cool you should set your thermostat--again, monitoring your state of being and what is best for your state of relaxation and comfort. (Funny, I thought even the liberal sucking media could no longer hide the now well known and (“ inconvenient”?) truth that known the biggest proponent of Global Warming taxation and legislation is a man who can cool 23 homes a month with the cost he pays to cool just one of his homes. "Mr. Gore for President", eh?) Or maybe you need them to tell you to stop eating Big Macs™ for a while and take the dog for a walk after a good, lean steak and a side of vegetables.
You want “the village” to raise your child. You want someone else to intervene in the personal or family concerns that might be affecting your child’s ability to learn in the same manner as another person’s child. You are unable to control the ways and doings of your children without government legislated controls, on even what types of physical activities they can best cope with; because you believe that a governing body knows better than your own child if they don’t mind the grueling effort if takes to play tackle football versus choosing table tennis. What, with all the controls in place your child cannot even participate in a three-legged race for someone’s (???) fear of injury for having fun!
2) And if not stupid, then you are non-trusting of others, prejudice, or probably a Racist. You are worried that, without a governing body or Government controls on people, you—and others like you—will not get their fair-share of whatever it is you seek. That opportunities will not be distributed with equality among men.
Keeping it just to America, you are sure that Americans controlling their own industries will act on a self-centered or biased nature that has them including and excluding persons of their choosing. That benefits, goods, services and wealth will be dis-equally distributed or made available, based on subjectivity.
The biggest historical cause for subjectivity in America has been racism and legislated Segregation. So why, then, if we trust men to their own judgment would you not expect to see prejudice and racism in the common man’s consciousness as his normal course of behaving and thinking? And with this country still majority White, Blacks and Hispanics are programmatically and systematically led to—by following the tenets and preachings of social, Liberal, Democratic thinkers and “leaders” who continually orate pessimist thinking—a belief that Whites will not be fair in their dealings with others therefore Government has to legislate and control the affairs of (these) men.
You are prejudice, and start your day on the premise that persons different than yourself are also prejudice of persons not like themselves; and that when you encounter them in your daily activities you can expect they will not treat you fairly. So you decide to interact with and support only those who are like yourself—therefore choosing your race, or perhaps your gender, as a first measure of whom to trust. You become a Racist.
As much as truth hurts, this is—and has been--the underlayment of Liberal and Democratic thinking for way too long. Trust, and faith in men, are never promoted among Liberal Democrats.
It took Republicans to start the defeat of this way of thinking, with men like President Abraham Lincoln. But now, 143 years later, the believer’s in his legislation have ensured an association with his political party’s name means you are out of touch with and unable to relate to the common American. They want to brand you an “Uncle Tom:, an “elitist”, “rich”, or White.
That Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King might have ever been a Republican unnerves Blacks who have been led to believe the Republican Party provides no support to their causes or concerns. And sadly, the Blacks who continue to believe this are willing to nominate and hope to elect a 2008 candidate for President of the United States who is the epitome of Liberal Democratic thinking. This presidential candidate is running on a platform that he will bring “change”.
The change that is needed is a movement away from membership in a political Party that promotes pessimism, as the Democratic party or being a Liberal does.
People, no matter how difficult the emotional challenge, must begin learning to think—and believe--for themselves, and stop making presumptions about others; but meet and know people individually and personally to grow relationships, especially between races.
No one is asking anyone to take away ethnic differences and become a uni-body of non-distinct thinking. This, of course, is the most wonderful aspect of American civilization—our diversity!
But as long as the Liberal Democratic rhetoric is lack of self-confidence, lack of trust, and constant discord I stay to my belief, that to choose to be a Liberal, or a Democrat, is limited to two reasons. And I’m glad I am neither.
“The Patriot”
September 7, 2008
Independent, Conservative, American-Black Opinion.
Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.
THE " ...ing IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"
THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
VISIT NOW: http://thepatriotmessenger.blogspot.com/p/idiots-list.html
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THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
VISIT NOW: http://thepatriotmessenger.blogspot.com/p/idiots-list.html
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to patriotmessenger@gmail.com
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
There Are Only Two Reaons To Be A Liberal Democrat
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