Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.






BLACKS in ARIZONA are BLUE! Only 3 pct SAID NO to "O". Only 3 percent, of the only 3 percent minority black population in AZ, is NOT a registered Democrat. SMH....

THE " IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"

THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for.
These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to


Democrats AND Republicans Are Letting Us Down! Is It Time For An Official American Third Party?


When Church Turned ‘Hip-Hop’ so Did the Rest of the World

This has been ANOTHER of those issues that has divided me from my family! I even love gospel music, a few shout-outs!  But I don’t want the...

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

I'M BACK! WELCOME to The Patriot Messenger!

May 7, 2024
Welcome to the revived, The Patriot Messenger blog!

On April 25th, 2024, I "left" Instagram and TikTok, to restore this blog, and begin writing again. 

I love writing!
Words thrown at the screen(s) will one day go away, at the flick of 'their' switch. But the words in my head never go away, so writing them for future perpetuity creates a journal for history as I will have experienced it; and will leave for my future generations to learn what to repeat, and what NOT to.

My children ask how I seem to always tie life in general to the political concerns of the world? But those "political concerns" are the very issues (re-) shaping and "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING" our "general life" in ways we should not have to tolerate! 

Where IS the protection of our "Life..." and "Liberty..." and (SELF!) "Pursuit of *happiness..." ...*as WE see, expected, and possibly planned for!

It seems, by government policy, "their" concern is for anyone BUT the common American citizen! 
And the sub-classification of certain groups, like "blue-collar, white, males", as "white supremacists", is worse than it's ever been! All the result of only wanting to "keep America great" or, "Make America Great Again." Go figure!

(BTW, my life "plans" were going pretty well, until the government thought it needed to 'help', when I didn't ask!) 

The derangement against politicians has blurred the line for some, in identifying what personal characteristics make one worthy of the "presidency." Who CAN "make" America great anymore? When they're all corrupt in some manner?!

My "throwbacks", from as far back as 2008, show nothing much has changed in the political arena. New politicians are simply playing the same games. And the same people--the citizenry everywhere--are the pawns in their experimental projects and programs. Few that HAVE worked.

Yet only two "Parties" still dominate and control the decision(s) in the USA! 

In almost TWENTY YEARS of starting this blog, a competitive third Political Party has NOT been recognized, holds a Convention, and is put on the U.S. voting ballot! Many advised me, 'the establishment of a third party would merely take necessary votes away from the Republicans especially on key votes'. I was castigated often for mentioning it. 

...well, "The Republicans" have not carried "conservative" causes forward as those who would call themselves 21st Century "Conservatives" have expected. 

Further, over 16 published years as "The Patriot Messenger", the Republicans' capitulation to the 'center' and even "liberalism"; to Liberals, and to the Democrat Party, has been rather atrocious!

Around 2014, I ceased trying to communicate with dignity and research, and fact! (After SIX YEARS of obama...) I began screaming on social media (first, in raging words, on Twitter) to a NEW "enterprise"-- the children born of the old wash-outs who still needed "racism" to pay their bills! (Whew!)

That new enterprise, the "reverse racism" 'coalition', initially STOLE the RAINBOW! Their mantra was probably, 'Make SURE everything you DO and LIVE FOR is denied you because of your RACE; and make light of it!"

In other words, "lawsuit up and blame your skin color, and theirs!"

Fast-forward to today: "... it worked for the racial minorities; so now let's create a NEW minority of people with sexual emotional, food, or addiction issues-- and 'lawyer them-up' too!"

By 2016, the rainbow AND the country have been trans mutated beyond at least half of the country's belief (SYSTEM!). 

It was hoped by 2020 we would NEVER have to see that type of "governing" of "the greatest country in the world" again! Some "leaders" had "never" "been proud" of 'their country'... It was time to KEEP one at the top (of the world's influence), who was!!

We tried. Did I mention that "derangement"?

Who could imagine there would be ANOTHER, who loved the USA as it stood, even LESS than the one of his same Political Party that came before him? How could this successor be less honorable of the place he was "duly=elected" (cough) to lead, than his mentoring-predecessor? No way!

Yes... WAY way way out of control, is how things are now.

Are there enough words to fix anything about America? Are there enough of the RIGHT votes? Screaming and "meme-ing" has not helped.

Are there enough lovers of "an American Value System", set aside from our political "requirements" to our world "friends", to know why and how we must "draw the line" in the balance of our external, versus internal, monetary support using OUR earned then paid-back-in tax dollars? 

It's those tax dollars we are paying MORE OF than ever, --taking away from that pursuit of a fulfilling life--, that is "how I seem to always tie life in general to the political concerns of the world." The focus on "the world" by a majority of our Politicians (for example, 'can we control climate'), versus the upholding of the sanctity of life (transgenderism, abortion, genocide), makes one question just "WHAT am I paying in to?"

I don't give up easy. But I do try to always learn, stay current, and revitalize my approach. We have that whole new generation, and beyond, to teach the TRUTH to (since their own won't!). And to give the OLD HOPE we "came up" with, encouraged to SELF DIRECT personal CHANGE! 

Proudly I can say, mine accepted my understanding of why we must "challenge life politically, so we're not left unable to grow spiritually." 

If our government is intentionally by policy (at any level) hindering our ability to find guidance ABOVE and beyond them(!), then they are denying those "Rights" under the Constitution and its' Amendments!

I'll keep writing and speaking (my mind) about it, until our political systems return to respect and decorum for people's individual differences that must be governed "collectively".  Can it be done? Can these or ANY "Political Party" 'get it done'? 

The answer IS no. It WILL take God. 

But that's a conversation I'm bringing to you going forward.

Angela Peters, "TPM"
"The Patriot Messenger" (published as such since 2008! Sony!!) 

THROWBACK! From 2009, And it's relevant TODAY!, "to a chess game from a boxing match." ...and we (the U.S.) are the Pawns." Commentary by Angela Peters

Iran pretty much just told Obama 'where to go' if he thinks a cordial talk will make them change their inherint idealisms, and the plans they have for gaining power and control.  The opening statement says it all.

Iran recently tested their satellite and rocket launch technology.  Working in this industry I can inform you this is very crucial to what their intent is.  According to the article, Iran doesn't intend to let the 'pain' go..., of what the beleive is harsh American policy.  The new administration recently issued Executive Orders which forced charges to be dropped against an al quaeda leader, now detained.  He will be freed to continue his relationship with other extreme leaders, like in Iran.  This is what we all now face where we are now going...
Elections have consequences.
Posted by "The Patriot"



Iran: US must rethink policies for reconciliation

By GEORGE JAHN and DAVID RISING – 20 hours ago

MUNICH (AP) — Iran sternly dismissed decades of U.S. policies targeting Tehran and declared Friday that the new American administration had to admit past wrongs before it could hope for reconciliation.
The comments by Iranian parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani at an international security conference in Munich appeared to be the most detailed outline yet of Tehran's expectations from President Barack Obama's administration.
"The old carrot and stick policy must be discarded," he said, alluding to Western threats and offers of rewards to coax Iran to give up nuclear activities the West views as threatening. "This is a golden opportunity for the United States."
Obama has said the U.S. is ready for direct talks with Iran in efforts to overcome concerns that its nuclear program could be used to develop atomic weapons. Tehran denies that and insists its aims are peaceful. The former U.S. administration refused one-on-one negotiations with Tehran on the issue unless it made significant nuclear concessions beforehand.
There was no immediate U.S. reaction to Larijani's comments.
Vice President Joe Biden was due the conference Saturday and was expected to try to muster more European troops for Afghanistan. But there is no sign that general European favor for the new U.S. administration has overcome the reluctance of some allies to contribute more soldiers.
The U.S. plans to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, roughly doubling its presence. But coming into the conference, German officials have reiterated that they do not want to commit to more forces. Still, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman said before the meetings that did not mean the door to such discussions was closed.
Biden, a former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is expected to push allies at the conference for a greater share of the diplomatic, military and economic burdens confronting the Obama administration in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Larijani evaded a question on whether he planned to meet with Biden, but said Washington needed to change its tactics in engaging Iran, "to a chess game from a boxing match."
Senior Iranian officials have cautiously welcomed the new U.S. proposal of direct talks. But on Friday, Larijani, his country's former chief nuclear negotiator, delivered a blistering condemnation of what he described as failed and evil U.S. actions against his country and in the region. He declared the U.S. had to own up to the past before it could hope for a better future with Iran.
"In the past years, the U.S. has burned many bridges but the new White House can rebuild them" if it "accepts its mistakes and changes its policies," Larijani said.
He condemned Washington's backing for Iraq in its 1980s war against Iran and its support of Israel. Larijani said those policies and others in the region failed in their declared purpose of rooting out terrorism and finding hidden weapons of mass destruction.
On the nuclear standoff, he said, Washington "has tried to sabotage any diplomatic solution." Without U.S. acknowledgment of failure and wrongdoing, "do you expect this pain to go away?" he asked.
Outside the conference, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband criticized Tehran's decision to launch a satellite this week, while Germany's foreign minister urged Iran to engage in direct diplomacy with the U.S.
Iran launched a satellite Monday — touching off concerns among experts in Europe, the U.S. and Israel about the potential for links between Iran's satellite program and its work with missiles and nuclear technology.
Speaking outside the gathering of a dozen world leaders and more than 50 top ministers, Miliband said that even if the launch was for civilian purposes as Iran claims, it sent the wrong signal, considering Obama's offer to talk directly to defuse the nuclear crisis.
"Given that President Obama said that he was stretching out a hand if Iran would unclench its fist, I don't think that this was an unclenching of a fist," Miliband told AP Television News.
He also urged Iran to work with the IAEA to disprove suspicions that its nuclear activities were geared toward producing weapons — and warned of new penalties if it does not.
"The commitment of the new American administration to engage with Iran is right and important, but if Iran defies international opinion then there inevitably have to be stronger and tougher sanctions," he said, referring to the possibility of new U.N. Security Council measures.
Larijani dismissed Miliband's concerns about the launch. "What possible causes for concern can that satellite be?" he asked. "This satellite is not a weapon of mass destruction."
Hosted by Google
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

THROWBACK! From 2011. "You are the PINHEAD, NOT FIASCO!" My reply to BILL O.REILY

Bill OReilly: YOU are the PINHEAD!! You know NOTHING about the real "change" (in thinking) Lupe Fiasco is bringing to the FEW American Black youth who realize Obama was not a good choice for our country! So instead of watching YOU (to avoid the 'brain rot' another viewer e-mailed you about), I am going to make sure my children listen to LUPE and NOT YOU!!
Angela Peters
Chandler, AZ
On my facebook page: 
Someone needs to tell Bill OReilly he is WRONG for calling Lupe Fiasco a "Pinhead"!! OReilly knows NOTHING about how this "rapper" is POSITIVELY influencing the children of WE 3 Percent of American Blacks who know Obama is wrong for our country to STAND UP and not fear the 97% who (still) feel they know better! Bill OReilly: YOU are the PINHEAD and I am going to make sure you get this message!!
Angela Peters
The Patriot Messenger
"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."

THROWBACK! From 10/27/2010: Are Harry Reid and SEIU rigging voting machines? Glenn Beck

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October 27, 2010

On Today's Program

Free chapter in BROKE

What are the principles that need to be restored in order to stop politicians from sinking the ship? The time for feel good slogans is over - drastic action is needed. Glenn takes on the tough decisions, including the sacred cow of defense spending, in his new book Broke: The Plan to Restore our Trust, Truth and Treasure. You can read Glenn's authors note and a full chapter by clicking HERE.

TORTURE STU: If you help us spread the word about BROKE then we’ll reward you by forcing Stu, Pat and Glenn to do ridiculous things on video! Pat and Stu are now questioning why exactly they agreed to do these things and discuss the different options on radio today ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE CLIP). Vote now on Facebook!

Want to meet Glenn? This weekend is your chance! Glenn is hitting the road for a book tour this Friday and Saturday. Find out where he will be HERE.
Political Geek Election Report

Republicans are set to make strong gains in the House, but what about the Senate? What will it take for the Republicans to pull off a massive comeback? Is it even possible? These questions and more are answered today on the Glenn Beck Program's very special Political Geek Election Report.  ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Are Harry Reid and SEIU rigging voting machines?

Several voting mishaps have been reported across the country, including in Harry Reid's state of Nevada where voters are complaining that Harry Reid's name is checked before they even vote. It's possibly a fluke - but it's happened to several people AND voting machine technical issues are being handled by SEIU union workers. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Get the full story HERE.

Is there any member of Congress more worthy of dismissal than Alan Grayson? He's a despicable human being who ran the worst political attack ad of the season. Daniel Webster, Grayson’s opponent, is leading in the latest polls and even got the endorsement from the Orlando Sentinel. You can check out his website HERE.

The next Chris Christie?

Glenn was in Colorado last night and heard some surprising news - Tom Tancredo could be the next governor of Colorado. Could he be the next Chris Christie type to get in office and shake things up? That's what he is promising, and it's resonating with voters. Glenn talks with Tom Tancredo, the candidate gearing up for a huge upset, on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip)
Glenn's election night plans...

Glenn will be live from the Insider Extreme studios on! Insider Extreme is the only place you will be able to find Glenn on election night, along with Pat & Stu. Tune in for complete in-depth team coverage of all the fast paced results as they happen. Find out what is in store on Insider Extreme's special election night coverage in this free video – WATCH.

Beck University: There's a brand new Beck University mini-class now available to Insider Extreme members. In this week’s Extra Credit class, Dr. Peter Lillback takes us on a historical journey through the founding of Philadelphia. You can also watch the first class of the semester on demand - America's Founding Principles. Get all the details for this semester of Beck University HERE.

TV Tonight: The mask is slowly coming off - Glenn 5pm only on the Fox News Channel!

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THROWBACK! From October 2010: Why I Don’t Want to Change The 14th Amendment

Hey buddy,
Our stances don't differ. I haven't changed my stance--I never thought or said all illegals should be "kicked out". But think about HOW FEW of these children (esp. that we know personally)--who were actually born here--that will FIT the bill summarized in my last paragraph? That's my point: they've already adopted their parents point of view, and their parents citizenship!  With that, not many of the "anchor babies" will end up becoming Americans!  TPM


On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:55 AM, PM <> wrote:

Why I Don't Want to Change The 14th Amendment

By Angela Peters, October 20, 2010

I am not quite sure I want to go as far as to remove the gaining of American citizenship status from the "Rights" of persons born here; as the 14th Amendment is currently interpreted—right or wrong. 


I surely feel a sense of pride and 'my, oh, my' to be able to say "I am an American!" 


I know that I am privileged to have been born here.


Of the illegal immigrants here, I do believe that there are some in the bunch who truly want to be Americans and are inclined to leave their homeland behind—but who did come here to "anchor" onto the privilege of being in America!


But I also know—from first-hand, personal relationship—that there are a number of Mexican Illegals that truly do not care to become citizens at all, and may also have the opinion they are 'owed' their posture and place else it should be 'taken' ("back");  and others who will just not follow through with the current application, financial, educational, or time requirements for obtaining legal citizenship, because amnesty  or "a dream" has been offered by a politician they will help keep in office, whom they will (illegally) vote for… 


The truth is the truth:  I live this in the here and now!


So why should I want those born here to be considered "Americans"?  Because they were—born here.  Their parents did not give them the option as to where they were being born!


And the children born here should also have the option of choosing the citizenship of either of their parents' origin, too, realizing they are rejecting their American citizenship in doing so—the decision not rescindable--and they would go through the citizenship process thereafter.


But either or both illegal parent(s) should be required to determine the method they will take for themselves--or their other children not born here--to gain citizenship, if it is what is desired.


"Profile", "identify", and "serve" ALL persons in the country illegally with notice they must comply with the immigration laws, which may include a return to their country of origin to begin the process properly; or face deportation if they outright reject citizenship (therefore have no rightful cause for being here), or if they simply refuse the process! 
Isn't our American citizenship worth earning?


This is not personal.  It is a matter of following the law, FAIRNESS for all who have applied for citizenship, and to ensure and support order and balance in any modern society--American society being "the most"!  It is a privilege to be born in America!  If you don't share in that pride, personally I feel you should reconsider your visit here…


I don't mind extending American rights and privileges to those born here who claim, respect, adore, exalt, and honor their heritage as "an American".



"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger



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