Independent, Conservative, American-Black Opinion.
Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.
THE " IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"
THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to
When Church Turned ‘Hip-Hop’ so Did the Rest of the World
This has been ANOTHER of those issues that has divided me from my family! I even love gospel music, a few shout-outs! But I don’t want the...
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Saturday, June 13, 2020
What a wonderful day. So I'm going to use it to pen a few words of inspiration to myself and to whomever reads this. I hope the words help.
We need more logic and sanity to reach our discussions, so we stop reacting out of fear and emotion.
That's what I did when I posted the hashtag "Black Lives Matter", during these recent shows of support for the brutal death of George Floyd. I reacted out of fear, that my newly reunited family would once again wish me out of their lives. And emotion, that I had been being too hard on the Black community. "They really are 'out there' getting their asses kicked for no reason!"
George Floyd wasn't "a good man". But he only deserved the same level of violence he dished out. Well.. according to some principles.
Or, your religion may compel you to "turn the other cheek" altogether; putting it in Higher hands. Whew... That is becoming a lost message.
That means having a lot of emotional control during the most unexpected situation you could ever image.
But without it, we end up with hate and chaos, like we've seen in our streets these past weeks.
Like the "statistics" or not, ALMOST EVERYBODY finds disgust in "police brutality". But our awful, slimy, disgusting, biased media wants to CONTINUE to portray that America is the worst, most racist country on the planet. And that every rich, White, man or woman --NOT of their currently preferred Political Party; OR, ALL Police Officers, are "racist", brutal, and not to be trusted!
These coordinated slimebags will go to the extent of attacking police characters in children's TV. And instead, teaching children HOW to protest against them!
We are in a world under siege by Liberalism gone horrible.
This liberal mindset, followed stringently by a particular political party, wants to silence differing opinion, put forth a "common-ized" agenda on almost ALL aspects of life, create a "same path" mentality to personal success; then turn around and allow lawlessness and divisiveness--or separation and forced confinement, if it helps accomplish their goals!
Their deviousness is so well shrouded as a cloak of "help", those shrouded by it are eventually blinded by it. And succumb to the Systems devised by it. Then we all become trapped in the institutionalization of their practices. We have to watch these people and recognize them and their SLOGANS for what they are; no matter how "beautifully worded".
"Black L I V E S matter..." and we need to make Black people feel, inherently, as if they do.
But isn’t this how ALL people want to feel?
We were ALL given the "right" to these feelings by the glory of God, not man. (…and there drops off the non-believers…bye!)
We can't let ANY "separatists" groups of people take that Right away from us!
"Everybody Matters!"
It's time we let EVERYBODY know it.
Angela Peters
The Patriot Messenger
"The church's General Board of Church and Society has endorsed the march , but the event is not "co-sponsored" by the Uni...
John Quinones responds to my tweet Angela Peters February 23, 2011 Edited and re-posted February 23, 2011 4:50pm mst. Correction to spel...
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