If we are to preserve any of the Conservative agenda this country was founded upon, it is time for a political party separate from the Republican Party!
Career-long Republicans and members of both Parties are so corrupted in living their lives for the politics, power, and money, they have forgotten how it feels to be, if ever they were, hard-working citizens who merely want someone to fight for their freedom to pursue 'a dream' and goal, and for the enjoyment of their own lives!
Both Parties have lost sight of the basis for the Constitution and its preservation of "freedom of pursuit" of (NOT freedom of entitlement to) the "God given" entities of our life, personal happiness, liberty, and America's attempt to entitle these!
The career politicians, and new--who are fearful OF the good ole' boys, are unable and unwilling to defend the citizens who elected them for the very purpose of standing up FOR them AGAINST the long arm of Government. THAT IS what our "Representatives" were SUPPOSED to do for their majority!
But let the "victimized" or "unrepresented" minority 'squeak' loudly--and the yellow-coated Journalists hear about it--and that not-so-spine-having "peoples representative" quickly starts assessing the polls, and their NEXT career options...then compare that to the balance in their political contributions account... and that support quickly shifts to the status quo and media soundbite; and the majority end up characterized as the "fringe".
That is where we are now.
And history will be written--and re-written--to reflect America as a brutalizing, demoralizing, dysfunctional, hate-filled and racist, set of separate societies ...written as such by that minority citizenry; tales not at all like anyone foreign or desiring to live in America would ever believe. (When the "public broadcasting system" airs grossly debasing and slanderous shows written and recorded by Robert Gates on the history of African-Americans in America as if they were fact, you know the re-writing has already begun...)
There is a fight to be had, to save America. this country is not deserving of being brought down by a minority that does not know how to forgive it for its past--especially how swiftly resolved as it comes to countries and political systems. It has not earned the foul and demeaning acknowledgements it has been given by this same minority who never consider leaving it, and wants to "reform" or "transform" it as if their "change" is better than the "progress" it was already making!
If its a fight they want, then it is a fight we, Conservatives, should give them. Them?
This "minority"? A collective who feels it is better to break down, rather than support and uphold our fragile Constitution, and its intentional limited regulation to avoid an over-taxed citizenry, (care of its timeless interpretations they feel no longer translate to current day applications).
Its a fight for who believes that the United States of America IS exceptional and worth preserving. it IS a fight over who loves this country more.
And I love it just that much.
Angela Peters
The Patriot Messenger
Independent, Conservative, American-Black Opinion.
Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.
THE " ...ing IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"
THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
VISIT NOW: http://thepatriotmessenger.blogspot.com/p/idiots-list.html
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to patriotmessenger@gmail.com
THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for. These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
VISIT NOW: http://thepatriotmessenger.blogspot.com/p/idiots-list.html
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to patriotmessenger@gmail.com
When Church Turned ‘Hip-Hop’ so Did the Rest of the World
This has been ANOTHER of those issues that has divided me from my family! I even love gospel music, a few shout-outs! But I don’t want the...
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Racism is in their heart! That's why "Civil Rights Leaders" disagree with the Supreme Court ruling!
Racism is in their heart! That's why "Civil Rights Leaders" disagree with the Supreme Court ruling!
By Angela Peters
June 25, 2013
Angela Peters--long time. You know my profile: I grew up in eye view of Jarod Maupin's house. Living "on the hill" is how were referred to. Maupin grew up in NO RACISM that would have shattered his life, disenfranchised him, or otherwise denied him "The American Dream"!
For Maupin and other so-called “Civil Rights Leaders” to say this ruling by the Supreme Court, to remove Arizona and other states from Section 4 of the Voting Rights act, is NOT what the Civil Rights Movement, those who marched, and those who gave their lives to end racism was all about, just shows the truth: The reason Maupin, Mary-Rose Wilcox, and others like them cannot accept this ruling is because THEY are the Racist!
You see, Mike, you got it right on your talkshow: Maupin and Wilcox want to live within a segregated community and live "their" life in a lifestyle of privilege "like" the rest of America, as long as it is amongst THEMSELVES!! They really just don’t like white people. That is all this is about. I said it before. I confronted my black family with it. My black family dismissed me because of it (then dismissed me even further when I loved and married my white husband--a whole ‘nother story) …but I knew one day I would be proven right about them all. Thank you Supreme Court!
Just listen to Maupin's words about "we", "our community", "us'... if those words were spoken by a white "leader" the black and mexican leaders would be leading "their" people to (another) march in the streets of Phoenix!! Sharpton and Jackson would be called in to lead the way!
Maupin and Wilcox think they KNOW Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is turning over in his grave finding this ruling incredible. I believe I know Dr. King is dancing and cheering to hear AMERICA has become a country where you will be “…judged by the content of (your) character…” ...little did Reverend King know that black and mexican “character” would the flaw that keeps America from truly advancing to realize a true “equality” that these minority groups shout for and march about!
Maupin and Wilcox want a separated America. So does Obama. Now that political and financial equality can be achieved and not prevented by discriminating based on the color of your skin, the REAL Racists are feeling strong enough to show how they really are and how they really feel!
Their “fight” is not at all about finding themselves unable to achieve The American Dream. They are already living it--Look at them! Wilcox suffers not! Maupin dresses to the “T” in Armani. Blacks and mexicans highly educated achieve judgeships, command armies, run corporations, are athletic super-stars, top entertainers… where is the plight? There is none and has been none for quite some time! It is not about “the Dream”. It is about WHO is REALLY the RACIST in America!
What a wonderful day for America!! The white majority and recent generations of white people have looked at themselves collectively and shown by their majority actions they disapprove of (if any) ancestoral racist ways, have stamped out “institutional” racism, have “changed”, are policing themselves, and are working to remove the evil perception that America is a bad and a generally racist country, as minorities—and apoplogists--have promoted in the world view of this great country!
Can any one, any law, any church, any school “make” a person a non-racist? No more amongst whites as among blacks, mexicans, asians, or group, or any individual, can that be accomplished: Racism is either in your HEART or it is not!
Maupin, Wilcox, all the rest of you who disagree with The Supreme Courts’ Ruling: YOU ARE THE RACIST! To think YOU are “leading” a next generation of Americans, into your ways of thinking and believing, is truly despicable! I pray The Court will not reverse or allow this ruling to be reversed on the side of your very evident heartlessness! Shame on you. But God please Bless this great country to move forward, despite you!
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