By Angela Peters
April 13, 2011
*April 14, 2011 I re-read and am compelled to re-edit! Note this change--it applies to "*you"!
It amazes me! Terrorists, radicals, liberals, democrats, racists, “homo-phobic homosexuals”, women-libbers, illegal immigrants,…are still posing the classic seminar question
“why do those Republicans hate America so much?”
Sob, sob.
Really now?|
That question is a good diversion from accepting the truth about the current state of The United States of America, its current and past leadership, and its absolute suffering from a few generations of people and leaders who decided to turn this great country toward being a “gimme” and “blame ‘em” society. It’s also a good diversion from accepting the truth about
In order to ‘get’ or ‘blame’, a wide variety of tactics were devised by men of cruel hearts; and the followers latched on hoping to get their share of the takings, or their comfort in the association!
This displaced resentment is so much easier for we weak humans than “trying harder” or ‘trying again’ to rectify our own ills, or determining what we are doing wrong with our own life that is blocking our ability to find peace with who you are or what you have become. It is so much easier to ‘mind the business’ of others , and show envy towards another human, to rationalize all your faults as theirs, and that there’s something they’ve done to
us *you; rather not look at the wrongdoings
we’ve * you've done to
ourselves *yourself and what
we *you could be DOING differently!
How is it our greatly funded “Education System” can ‘open the page’ at the 1960s Civil Rights Movement—and still today cry “injustice still reigns”; but not go back in the studies to before controlling civility became government’s prized institution—
and major method of generating taxes!
Those persons who question
who loves or hates America conveniently skip the part where terrorist African governments practiced genocidal slave-trading, first amongst their own tribes, as methods of handling war criminals and their captured enemies, but indeed for making money as America was being formed needing
*human manpower--which was all there was at the time! It was wrong for African men to sell other African men; or any man to sell any man to another under slave or illegitimate trade, (proper adoption being the exception I am trying not to impinge upon)! Our children will never know this truth about “American History” without selecting an honestly taught World History course
*in college—
if such a thing (or professor) still exists!
Yep, the curriculum intentionally and conveniently skips the part where unharmonious, still divided, separatists American government leaders—some Presidents!-- took all the precious effort out of at least sixty years from 1870 to 1930 where personal, man-to-man, spiritually-driven reconciliation was occurring between men in the post-slavery and post –genocidal eras of America’s black and indian history. But these were not ‘the GOP’, or Republicans, who introduced “Jim Crow” laws, and introduced an era of lawful separatism and segregation as a means of maintaining their ineptitude and inability in denouncing their own racism, bigotry, or religious intolerance!
The names of their government programs and institutions—“The New Deal”, “Social Security”, “Affirmative Action”, so cleverly obscured and hid the legal introduction and re-driving of a wedge of bigotry between the American people.
“Affirmative Action”, “Diversity Training”, “tolerance” studies …
Psshaw! These are various government rouses for tax-funded or -incentivized study and practice of
“Selective Segregation!” This herein named, divisive practice of race-, ethnicity-, gender-, age-, religious-, or other- based “acceptable exclusion” was introduced into our schools, businesses, laws and courts, private clubs(!), and religious worship services by the liberal Democrat political party in America— who have now watched their policies fester and run amuck; and-- since they cannot now control the demoralizing giant they have created--ask,
“why does the GOP hate America?”
Republicans don’t hate America.
If the 'GOP hated America' then why are they the most successful group in America, that Democrats & the world wish to emulate?
Hopefully all who had an open heart, who unfortunately became caught up in believing they might truly be involved in real dialogue and a method of openly discussing and understanding our legitimate differences, have begun to figure out the real culprit to the “hatred” in America; then will discredit, thwart, remove, de-fund, and de-establish those institutions, agencies, and so-called ‘new government programs’ that separate us as Americans into so many hyphens.
It is just unfortunate, that while this enlightenment may be occurring, these same liberals and Democrats questioning ‘who loves America’ are also “blamers”, chastising the GOP about all that is considered wrong with America; and have so chosen to also re-energize “class warfare” to further divide-- and tax—us, just in case “Selective Segregation” fails to work.
Oh yeah, but it’s the GOP that hates America, right?