Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.






BLACKS in ARIZONA are BLUE! Only 3 pct SAID NO to "O". Only 3 percent, of the only 3 percent minority black population in AZ, is NOT a registered Democrat. SMH....

THE " IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"

THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for.
These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to


Democrats AND Republicans Are Letting Us Down! Is It Time For An Official American Third Party?


When Church Turned ‘Hip-Hop’ so Did the Rest of the World

This has been ANOTHER of those issues that has divided me from my family! I even love gospel music, a few shout-outs!  But I don’t want the...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

They Want To Rule The World! Starting With Your Campsite!

With the political news always so negative, many want to tune it out and stay encouraged having good ole' family fun and activity time.  Now, while this government throws us distraction after distraction, they work behind the scenes to toss out new legislation to take away our ability to take a relaxing vacation ...especially if that vacation is not in keeping with their style of 'eco- friendly'.  "Land grabbing" is taking place, to restrict uses and applications, and ownership of American lands--by you-can-guess who!  Pay attention to this!  Don't let them slip their limiting legislation into the next "education" bill... then tell you it is 'for the children'.  NO--going camping with your family in our beautiful open lands IS for the children!  This parental-supplied, hands-on "education" far trumps what could ever come from one of their classrooms.
A. Peters/TPM
edited and reposted

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

McCain “WINS AGAIN!!” So NOW We Can Expect REAL Change?

He’s done it again! Used mega dollars, smooth talking voiceovers, only 40 percent of one aspect of the Arizona law enforcement community , the fair-minded commentary from the “#1 radio talk show hosts”, return the ‘good-ole boy’ voters, and voters who chose the Republican affiliate to ensure he was re-elected… —and he’s back to run as the Senatorial Republican candidate for 2010!

Not a “fan”, I will be critical of John McCain: what?-With he now having had a 27 year political career that parallels my first voting experience and history (all in Arizona)—I earn the right (as much as the next voting citizen)!

Arizonans have watched John McCain make a few key political and voting “flip-flops”, when we really thought we had his support. And in the past 8 years we have heard the promises to fix the problems with Illegal Immigration in Arizona, but are waiting for them to be delivered after so many years …uh huh.

His stance AND ACTIONS on certain issues have been enough to prove to some Arizona voters, Senator John McCain is not the strong “staunch conservative-valued” Republican he says that he is or that his campaign declares.


SO FEW cared whether John McCain was or was not re-elected, and whether we’d have to take the same risk if he wins the Arizona Senate seat, that he will not again support his own immigration plan which includes some support of forgiveness to the millions of Illegals that our government ‘just can’t find a way to deport’…

LACK OF VOTING has its consequences.

If you break the numbers down, there are 6.6 million residents of Arizona, the 14th largest state in the USA. Only 33% are registered voters, or approximately 2.1 million. Of that, only approximately 430,000 of all “Republicans”, “Democrats”, and “Independents” cared enough to vote!

I am at least glad to say I was one of those few.

But the local Arizona media is making John’s win simple. The “#1 rated” morning talk show hosts declare that ‘neither other opponent could have ever won …because they didn’t have the money (to advertise) that John McCain had!’--then debated with call-in listeners who disagreed (it was about the money)!

I disagree, as well, that money had ANYTHING to do with this win, nor McCain’s popular endorsement by less than half the state’s Sheriffs.

Having heard the ads yet remaining a dedicated proponent, it is my opinion JD Hayworth was not given the correct advice for how to push his message to the people; and his campaign message became a finger-pointing “tit-for-tat” instead of what we heard him say about himself prior to entering the race. Those who were ready to change from McCain had already given JD Hayworth the vote—but his campaign message did not convince others of who he really is.

And Jim Deacon—a straightforward but new entry to politics—had a personal financial gaff that may have disrupted the promotion of his campaign, and he just did not achieve enough name recognition alongside his political agenda to be taken seriously, yet.

No, I believe we just continue to suffer from allowing age ‘ole Party politics to be played; and from plain ole’ self-defeating voter apathy.

So is there something different to expect this go ‘round from John McCain?

When John McCain conceded the Presidential win of 2008, he encouraged us to support Obama’s platform of “Hope and Change”. Let’s just HOPE we see John’s CHANGE—to being THE TRULY “consistent conservative”, so we can rally back together to form a strong REPUBLICAN Party around John McCain to win the Arizona seat, he se can continue to work to defeat the liberal Democrat agenda in 2010 and 2012…

…this is the position we have placed ourselves in, again Arizona.

Angela Peters/TPM

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Representative John Boehner of Ohio, a Republican, is a great choice for the 2012 Presidential election--if only he'd declare himself a candidate!  He is a strong and consistent voice of opposition standing up against this current administration.  TPM

John Boehner

Fighting for Freedom. Making a Difference ...
The Official Campaign Website of Congressman John Boehner. - Cached - Similar

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Real Racism Goes Unreconiled: Where Were All the Civil Rights Groups When Omar Needed Them?

How sad that THIS appears to be a true case of "racism" run amuck in the workplace. But union "representation" and upper management did nothing to cure the problems. I pray for Ms. Hannah, and the Thornton family that Omar Thornton finds the peace he was seeking--that did not come from those he expected to help.

It is too sad that lives are lost like this in real situations like this, while the NAACP, ACLU, and others are out creating false ones!

I hope these persons deaths will motivate individuals in that community to reject "racism" and to instill a heartfelt effort to treat people 'as you would like to be trreated' ...with respect, as a human being.


08/04/2010 From:

Omar Thornton girlfriend Kristi Hannah recalls gunman's goodbye

The girlfriend of the Connecticut truck driver who killed eight of his co-workers said Wednesday he left for work on the morning of the massacre "in a daze." ...(please read the story)

"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger

PROP 8: Not about being Anti-Gay, but about the Federal Government's attempt to redefine "Marriage"

How is it I am not a lawyer but can see in the case of California's PROPOSITION 8, the judge ruled INCORRECTLY because he chose to disregard the definition of the word and practice of "marriage" as originally, and currently, adopted and applied to US policy.

And, Barry M., just because you and so many others
wish to redefine the word doesn't make it so!

The Prop 8 arguments are 1) The Plaintiff has the burden of proof...  (prop 8 discriminates against gays and does not allow due process...); 2) the Defendants say gay marriage does harm to the state (children, families).  The judge ruled saying gays are NOT allowed due process and gay marriage does NOT harm the state.  But where has the Judge assessed the basic definition of the "activity" these persons wish to engage in to see if they are "eligible" to be included in this legislative "class": "married" persons?

Well I a
m harmed because supporters of gay marriage want to redefine the word "marriage", which I undertook more than 20 years ago, implying the origin of this word and celebration were incorrectly defined from their origin(!); and that they (the US fed government) will rule and provide final definition and complete clarity as to what this practice is and who can participate!   I am harmed because the federal government wishes  to now say this word and this religious celebration is not the type of institution I chose to participate when I entered into it voluntarily more than 20 years ago!  Because if I had been made aware the U.S. Federal Government intended to sponsor this institution, and therefore have the sole ability to re-define what this practice is and who can participate--I may have chosen not to participate!  If I had been made aware the definition of "marriage" would be subject to change over time due to their ...judicial activism ...I may not have made this life-long commitment to this "practice" under the state government that licensed the activity!

This is not Constitutionalists not wanting to be fair.  This is not about being "ANTI-GAY!"  "The People" are tired of those who are to INTERPRET and APPLY THE LAW, "spinning" it to meet their end goal--and not "the will of the people"!  It means those representing the citizenry DO NOT have the common interest as their goal as they continue to RE-INTERPRET LAW to obviously support their minority interest! 

Not that I agree it should be, but if the 'Gay Community' had only been asking for "civil union granting legislative responsibilities and  privileges equal to that of "married" persons" this overly diverse and overly politically-correct "new" America we now live in would have had this in place as a new Constitutional amendment long ago!

Constitutionalists should question WHY the federal government continues to play a role in "marriage" anyway, except to legislate over and tax this "class" of people differently than an individual.  Issues of controlling racial intermarriage have long since been put-aside with civil rights legislation as a reason for marriage licensing, so there is no longer a need for a government issued licensed except for taxation!

(And, Barry, your continued analogy of black racism in the south is FAR FROM the prop 8 and gay issues of today!  The laws fighting for and against who was to be treated fairly as a full "privileged" U.S. Citizen--by decree or by birth--had nothing to do with sexual orientation--and who you chose to co-habitate with!  And the privileges of citizenship in America don't mean all are allowed--or conversely, forced into--each individuals or groups religious tenets, celebrations, etc. just because they are US Citizens!!  Why do so many wish to equalize this?)

"The Judge did his job"--overturning a law that was "unconstitutional"??  Well WHO SAID this judge or any other has the "constitutional" right to re-interpret and create a new definition for the religious practice of "marriage"? 

I want to know who gave them this right!


"Conservatism is RIGHT, else we'll be LEFT with an ultra-liberal America."
The Patriot Messenger

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

NY AIA Presents False Case Against Buildings Historical Value to Support Liberal Desire to Build 911 Mosque

Rick Bell and the New York American Institute of Architects are no friends to the 911 families and opponents to the Ground Zero Mosque.  This liberal group has been supporting the "Green" agenda since before the attack on the World Trade Center, and now must not bite the hand that feeds them by losing out on green funding architectural efforts which must support advocacy and  "international" interests.  Bell, states in an interview with The Cooperator  “For me personally, the most important part of the AIA’s mission is advocacy on public policy issues,” Bell says. “Focusing attention on design in relation to public policy—zoning, codes, guidelines, environmental standards, accessibility, for starters—is the role of architects and the professional society, the AIA, which brings them together.” (

So what about the "public" this groups "policy" affects? Does that policy include dismissing previous historical standards in order to allow build of THIS mosque--at the site of the 911 attack with so much other real estate available?

Once again, another group whose policy shows, and allows its agenda to prove, a blatant disregard--and disrespect--for American sentiment! 

God Bless You, 911 Victims, Families, and Friends.  REAL America supports you.



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