Not afraid to stand up for America. Not afraid to speak truth. Not for the faint of heart.






BLACKS in ARIZONA are BLUE! Only 3 pct SAID NO to "O". Only 3 percent, of the only 3 percent minority black population in AZ, is NOT a registered Democrat. SMH....

THE " IDIOTS" LIST Won't they "just SHUT UP!"

THE NAME STANDS! I removed the out-right vulgarity as I proceed forward in this fight; though the things THESE people have pulled are so mean, unpatriotic, un-American that I hang on to my last thread of decency when trying to define them.
YES! We DO have an "American Value System" worth fighting for.
These people are (blank)ing Idiots!!! --and they need to "just SHUT UP!"
The List is never ending. Send your candidates to


Democrats AND Republicans Are Letting Us Down! Is It Time For An Official American Third Party?


When Church Turned ‘Hip-Hop’ so Did the Rest of the World

This has been ANOTHER of those issues that has divided me from my family! I even love gospel music, a few shout-outs!  But I don’t want the...

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

I'M BACK! WELCOME to The Patriot Messenger!

May 7, 2024
Welcome to the revived, The Patriot Messenger blog!

On April 25th, 2024, I "left" Instagram and TikTok, to restore this blog, and begin writing again. 

I love writing!
Words thrown at the screen(s) will one day go away, at the flick of 'their' switch. But the words in my head never go away, so writing them for future perpetuity creates a journal for history as I will have experienced it; and will leave for my future generations to learn what to repeat, and what NOT to.

My children ask how I seem to always tie life in general to the political concerns of the world? But those "political concerns" are the very issues (re-) shaping and "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING" our "general life" in ways we should not have to tolerate! 

Where IS the protection of our "Life..." and "Liberty..." and (SELF!) "Pursuit of *happiness..." ...*as WE see, expected, and possibly planned for!

It seems, by government policy, "their" concern is for anyone BUT the common American citizen! 
And the sub-classification of certain groups, like "blue-collar, white, males", as "white supremacists", is worse than it's ever been! All the result of only wanting to "keep America great" or, "Make America Great Again." Go figure!

(BTW, my life "plans" were going pretty well, until the government thought it needed to 'help', when I didn't ask!) 

The derangement against politicians has blurred the line for some, in identifying what personal characteristics make one worthy of the "presidency." Who CAN "make" America great anymore? When they're all corrupt in some manner?!

My "throwbacks", from as far back as 2008, show nothing much has changed in the political arena. New politicians are simply playing the same games. And the same people--the citizenry everywhere--are the pawns in their experimental projects and programs. Few that HAVE worked.

Yet only two "Parties" still dominate and control the decision(s) in the USA! 

In almost TWENTY YEARS of starting this blog, a competitive third Political Party has NOT been recognized, holds a Convention, and is put on the U.S. voting ballot! Many advised me, 'the establishment of a third party would merely take necessary votes away from the Republicans especially on key votes'. I was castigated often for mentioning it. 

...well, "The Republicans" have not carried "conservative" causes forward as those who would call themselves 21st Century "Conservatives" have expected. 

Further, over 16 published years as "The Patriot Messenger", the Republicans' capitulation to the 'center' and even "liberalism"; to Liberals, and to the Democrat Party, has been rather atrocious!

Around 2014, I ceased trying to communicate with dignity and research, and fact! (After SIX YEARS of obama...) I began screaming on social media (first, in raging words, on Twitter) to a NEW "enterprise"-- the children born of the old wash-outs who still needed "racism" to pay their bills! (Whew!)

That new enterprise, the "reverse racism" 'coalition', initially STOLE the RAINBOW! Their mantra was probably, 'Make SURE everything you DO and LIVE FOR is denied you because of your RACE; and make light of it!"

In other words, "lawsuit up and blame your skin color, and theirs!"

Fast-forward to today: "... it worked for the racial minorities; so now let's create a NEW minority of people with sexual emotional, food, or addiction issues-- and 'lawyer them-up' too!"

By 2016, the rainbow AND the country have been trans mutated beyond at least half of the country's belief (SYSTEM!). 

It was hoped by 2020 we would NEVER have to see that type of "governing" of "the greatest country in the world" again! Some "leaders" had "never" "been proud" of 'their country'... It was time to KEEP one at the top (of the world's influence), who was!!

We tried. Did I mention that "derangement"?

Who could imagine there would be ANOTHER, who loved the USA as it stood, even LESS than the one of his same Political Party that came before him? How could this successor be less honorable of the place he was "duly=elected" (cough) to lead, than his mentoring-predecessor? No way!

Yes... WAY way way out of control, is how things are now.

Are there enough words to fix anything about America? Are there enough of the RIGHT votes? Screaming and "meme-ing" has not helped.

Are there enough lovers of "an American Value System", set aside from our political "requirements" to our world "friends", to know why and how we must "draw the line" in the balance of our external, versus internal, monetary support using OUR earned then paid-back-in tax dollars? 

It's those tax dollars we are paying MORE OF than ever, --taking away from that pursuit of a fulfilling life--, that is "how I seem to always tie life in general to the political concerns of the world." The focus on "the world" by a majority of our Politicians (for example, 'can we control climate'), versus the upholding of the sanctity of life (transgenderism, abortion, genocide), makes one question just "WHAT am I paying in to?"

I don't give up easy. But I do try to always learn, stay current, and revitalize my approach. We have that whole new generation, and beyond, to teach the TRUTH to (since their own won't!). And to give the OLD HOPE we "came up" with, encouraged to SELF DIRECT personal CHANGE! 

Proudly I can say, mine accepted my understanding of why we must "challenge life politically, so we're not left unable to grow spiritually." 

If our government is intentionally by policy (at any level) hindering our ability to find guidance ABOVE and beyond them(!), then they are denying those "Rights" under the Constitution and its' Amendments!

I'll keep writing and speaking (my mind) about it, until our political systems return to respect and decorum for people's individual differences that must be governed "collectively".  Can it be done? Can these or ANY "Political Party" 'get it done'? 

The answer IS no. It WILL take God. 

But that's a conversation I'm bringing to you going forward.

Angela Peters, "TPM"
"The Patriot Messenger" (published as such since 2008! Sony!!) 



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CONSERVE with intent!

You can live YOUR OWN "rich" life, if you learn to LIVE by your own means! Fulfillment 'seeds' & 'GROWS' when you live WITHIN your effort! Make it your BEST!!